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Silicon Zoo Images

Animals - Included in this collection are the numerous birds, buffaloes, dogs, snakes, horses, fish, dinosaurs, and other creatures we have discovered as artwork on computer chips.

Cartoon Characters - Adorn your desktop with wallpaper made from Silicon Zoo images of your favorite cartoon characters. Featured in this collection are Daffy Duck, Mickey Mouse, Dogbert, Dilbert, Godzilla, Groucho, a roadrunner, the Tasmanian Devil, and Waldo.

Doodles of a Lesser Fab - Simpler silicon doodles often make some of the best wallpaper. Included in this collection are jet aircraft, an anchor, atoms, buffaloes, boats, animals, and a space invader.

Flags and Maps - Chip designers often place maps and flags associated with their home state on the surface of chips. Featured in this section are flags from Texas, Canada, and the United States, along with maps of Texas, Maine, and France.

License Plates - Who would put a license plate on a chip? No clue from us, but so far we have discovered four California license plates, each on a different version of a MIPS microprocessor.

Silicon Logos - Many corporations place a miniature silicon rendition of the company logo on computer chips they produce. Logos featured in this wallpaper section are: IBM, MIPS, IDT, Cypress, Fujitsu, Allen-Bradley, Hewlett-Packard, Inmos, and Intel, among others.

Miscellaneous Chip Art - This catchall category features such images as chili peppers, a medieval castle, crayons, a Diet Slice logo, a Pepsi commercial, tennis shoes, and scissors.

Silicon Scriptures - We have stumbled across a number of declarations, phrases, and scriptures in our investigation of computer chips with a microscope. Included in this section are many of these unusual verses.

Vehicles - Tiny vehicles are a favorite source of artistic inspiration for many chip designers. We have discovered automobiles, trains, planes, space craft, and heavy construction equipment on the surface of computer chips.

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© 1995-2025 by Michael W. Davidson and The Florida State University. All Rights Reserved. No images, graphics, software, scripts, or applets may be reproduced or used in any manner without permission from the copyright holders. Use of this website means you agree to all of the Legal Terms and Conditions set forth by the owners.
This website is maintained by our
Graphics & Web Programming Team
in collaboration with Optical Microscopy at the
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Last modification: Friday, Nov 13, 2015 at 02:19 PM
Access Count Since August 17, 1999: 86896
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