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The Galleries:

Photo Gallery
Silicon Zoo
Chip Shots
DNA Gallery
Amino Acids
Religion Collection
Cocktail Collection
Screen Savers
Win Wallpaper
Mac Wallpaper
Movie Gallery

The Windows Wallpaper Collection

By popular demand, we have converted a majority of the photomicrographs in our collection into bitmap (*.BMP) files for Windows. They are made by dropping the color and manipulating the images so that they will tile seamlessly to support nice backgrounds for the desktop of your Windows 3.1, 95, 98, or NT computer.

Biochemicals -- This collection contains wallpaper made from images in our large library of biochemical photomicrographs. These include amino acids, cholesterol, DNA, endorphins, fatty acids, hormones, neurotransmitters, phytochemicals, prostaglandins, proteins, sugars, and vitamins.

Food and Beverages -- This unusual collection features our beers of the World, cocktails, and wine collection in addition to soft drinks, ice cream, and vegetables. We have thrown in the flavors and fragrances collections as well because they are often used in the foods that we eat.

Chip Shots -- Use wallpaper made from photomicrographs of your favorite microprocessor to decorate your desktop! We have made a wide variety of images from our Chip Shots collection available as seamless wallpaper for your enjoyment.

Hi-Tech Materials -- From the world of science and technology comes some marvelous new materials including the famous buckyballs, liquid crystals, thin films, superconductors, superlattices, and polymers. These are intended for students of the sciences, engineers, and others who are interested in new materials.

Silicon Zoo -- We have prepared wallpaper from over 100 of the images appearing in the Silicon Zoo, including many of the cartoon characters, space and land vehicles, animals, scriptures, logos, and other odd-ball things that chip designers place on chip surfaces.

Theme Collections -- These are collections with a cause. They include collections dealing with photomicrographs of objects related to crime, education, archaeology, religion, and sports. As an example, the crime collection contains photomicrographs of gunpowder, a knife, C-4 explosive, and other items relating to criminal activities. The other collections are handled in a similar manner with photomicrographs representing important items for each collection.

Geology -- Moon rocks and meteorites are the favorite images used to make up the geology wallpaper. Others include precious metals and gems and the birthstone collection. Using wallpaper featured here, you can adorn your computer desktop with wallpaper from such items as diamonds, gold, silver, and of course, the Moon rocks.

Pharmaceuticals -- Would you like to see what the drugs you are taking look like under a microscope? Then visit our Photo Gallery. If you want to decorate your computer desktop with such wonder drugs as AZT, aspirin, tamoxifen, or ibuprofen, then visit this collection of seamlessly tiled wallpaper.

Pesticides -- This collection of organic toxins and neurotoxins was originally termed "Drugs for Bugs" and contains a large variety of photomicrographs of recrystallized pesticides. Included in this collection is wallpaper made from insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides.

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© 1995-2022 by Michael W. Davidson and The Florida State University. All Rights Reserved. No images, graphics, software, scripts, or applets may be reproduced or used in any manner without permission from the copyright holders. Use of this website means you agree to all of the Legal Terms and Conditions set forth by the owners.
This website is maintained by our
Graphics & Web Programming Team
in collaboration with Optical Microscopy at the
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Last modification: Friday, Nov 13, 2015 at 01:19 PM
Access Count Since April 25, 1998: 934355
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