Wenham\'s Universal Inclining and Rotating Microscope (circa 1882)

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Wim van Egmond

Our featured microscopist for Fall 2003 is accomplished Dutch photomicrographer Wim van Egmond. A multiple winner in the Nikon Small World competition (3rd and 6th in the 2002 contest), van Egmond specializes in microscopy of small water-borne creatures using a variety of advanced contrast-enhancing techniques, such as phase contrast, darkfield, and differential interference contrast. In this arena, Wim's images are some of the best we have seen.

Born in the Netherlands in 1966, Wim van Egmond studied painting and photography at the Rotterdam art school until 1990. He specializes in stereo imaging for optical microscopy and has produced a number of exhibitions, articles, and image galleries that are posted in numerous spots on the web. Van Egmond is also a custom web designer who has completed several commercial, artistic, and educational sites, and also does scientific illustrations.

Among the interesting and educational websites created by Wim van Egmond are the Smallest Page on the Web, a fascinating site dedicated to common microscopic organisms that live in fresh water. He has also constructed a Virtual Pond Dip site that introduces some of the more common microorganisms and hopefully encourages an exploration of the incredible "world within a world" in a real pond. Wim's Introduction to Microscopy teaches that the light microscope is an instrument that is available to almost everyone. For a reasonable price, good instruments can be readily obtained. The site contains quite a bit of information about microscopes and subjects that can be studied with microscopy.

Interview and Digital Image Gallery
  • Interview with Wim van Egmond - Meet our featured microscopist and learn how he became interested in microscopy, photomicrography, and digital imaging.

  • Digital Images of Wim van Egmond - View the microscopic world through Wim Van Egmond's eyes with these beautiful digital images from his extensive collection.

Previous Molecular Expressions Featured Microscopists

Spike (M. I.) Walker - Our first featured microscopist was the renowned British photomicrographer Spike (M. I.) Walker. Spike has been a consistent winner of the Nikon Small World competition and, during the years 1987-1993, won a total of 10 prizes and two honorable mentions.

Karl E. Deckart - Renowned German photographer (both micro and macro) Karl E. Deckart displays his fabulous soap bubble (interference film) photomicrography in this gallery. With his excellent reflected light microscopy using differential interference contrast techniques, Karl has been a consistent winner of the Nikon Small World competition and has collected a total of 16 prizes and several honorable mentions.

Loes Modderman - The featured microscopist of Spring 2002 was Loes Modderman, who has received an honorable mention in Nikon's Small World Contest and won the Fractal Art Museum Enterprise' First Annual Contest (2001) in the category of natural fractals. With imagery that encompasses an endlessly pleasing range of pattern and color, this gallery of chemical substances in crystallized form is representative of Loes Modderman's outstanding work in optical microscopy.


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Photomicrographs are © 2000-2022 by Wim van Egmond.
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© 1995-2022 by Michael W. Davidson and The Florida State University. All Rights Reserved. No images, graphics, software, scripts, or applets may be reproduced or used in any manner without permission from the copyright holders. Use of this website means you agree to all of the Legal Terms and Conditions set forth by the owners.
This website is maintained by our
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in collaboration with Optical Microscopy at the
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Last modification: Friday, Nov 13, 2015 at 01:18 PM
Access Count Since November 17, 2000: 194645
Microscopes provided by:
Visit the Nikon website. Visit the Olympus Microscopy Resource Center website.