The Monkey Microscope (circa 1850)

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Spike (M.I.) Walker

Our first featured microscopist is the renowned British photomicrographer Spike (M. I.) Walker. Spike has been a consistent winner of the Nikon Small World competition and, during the years 1987-1993, won a total of 10 prizes and two honorable mentions.

His ultraviolet fluorescence photomicrograph of Gleotrichia, displayed in the image gallery, appeared in the 1993 Small World calendar (4th prize). Enter the current featured microscopist photomicrograph gallery by clicking on the link below.

Spike (M.I) Walker
Photomicrograph Gallery

Walker began his photomicrography career in 1947, two years after getting his first microscope at the age of 12. Following graduation in 1956 from the University of Liverpool, with his Bachelor of Science in Zoology, he began a dual career; from 1957 to 1989 he taught in high schools and colleges while also working as a freelance photomicrographer. He sold his first photomicrographs in 1961, flash photomicrographs of Protista, and also received the 1961 Royal Society Award for Scientific Research in Schools for "The aut-ecology of Discophrya steinii (Protozoa, Suctoria)." Spike has also received the 1967 Kodak Science Award for use of blue light fluorescence in the study of Ciliate Protozoa and the 1984 RMS Glauert (gold) medal for photomicrography. He is a fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society and a member of the Quekett Microscopical Club, Postal Microscopical Society, and Manchester Microscopical & Natural History Society.

Since 1965, Walker's photos have been featured in publications such as Colour Photography, The Photographic Journal, Amateur Photomicrography, Microscopy & Analysis, and the British Journal of Photography. Photo libraries featuring his work include: Photo Researchers Inc., NHPA, and Associate Photographer with Tony Stone Images. Walker has also been a consistent winner in the Polarioid International and Polaroid United Kingdom photomicrography competitions, where he has garnered a total 10 prizes and two honorable menions including a Grand Prize, three first places, and three second places.

Spike Walker is a true fan of the magnificent Zeiss Ultraphot microscope series and publishes a website called The Ultraphot Shop. This site covers topics including the history and general description of the Ultraphot microscopes, accessories, aftermarket additions, basic maintenance, and servicing.

Walker's microscopes are Zeiss Ultraphots III & IIIB and a Reichert Zetopan. For his photomicrography, Spike uses the built-in photoheads of his Ultraphots and for the other microscopes, a Hasselblad 500 ELM and 553 ELX, Nikon F3.

Outside of microscopy, Spike is interested in wood sculpture, gardening, writing, and seventeenth and eighteenth century music.


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Last modification: Friday, Nov 13, 2015 at 02:18 PM
Access Count Since November 17, 2000: 40746
Microscopes provided by:
Visit the Nikon website. Visit the Olympus Microscopy Resource Center website.