Silicon Zoo: Miscellaneous Chip Art
Windows 95, 98 and NT
Point and click your mouse on the background of interest and download it directly into your C:\WINDOWS directory. Then right click on the desktop then left click on properties. Click on the Background tab then select the file that you downloaded in the Wallpaper box, click on OK and your wallpaper will be installed.
Windows 3.1
Point and click your mouse on the background of interest and download it directly into your C:\WINDOWS directory. Then select Control Panel from the Main icon, and open the Desktop dialog box. Select the wallpaper file that you downloaded in the Wallpaper box, click on OK and your wallpaper will be installed.
Aspen Leaf
The Bird is the Word
Medieval Castle
Cyrix 5x86 Chili Pepper
The Crayon
The Con Artist
Diet Slice
A Disclaimer
The Dream
Ancient Egyptian God Anubis
The Little Flower
Big Mac Attack
Guitar-Strumming Tyrannosaurus Rex
The Last Call
Maroon Bells
The Pepsi Generation
A Piņata Named Asammi
The Rolex
Silicon Scissors
The Shepherd
Marathon Sneaker
Chip Heraldry
The Sundial
The Silicon Sunset
Ma Bell
The Slide Trombone
The Wedding Announcement
Questions or comments? Send us an email.
© 1995-2022 by
Michael W. Davidson
and The Florida State University.
All Rights Reserved. No images, graphics, software, scripts, or applets may be reproduced or used in any manner without permission from the copyright holders. Use of this website means you agree to all of the Legal Terms and Conditions set forth by the owners.
This website is maintained by our
Graphics & Web Programming Team
in collaboration with Optical Microscopy at the
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Last modification: Friday, Nov 13, 2015 at 01:19 PM
Access Count Since August 18, 1999: 59103
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