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Fluorescence Microscopy

Fluorochromes and Suitable Cubes

Spectral characteristics of major fluorochromes as well as sample fluorescence photomicrographs are also included in a short to long wavelength sequence.

  • DAPI & WU - 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride (DAPI)-stained nuclei with a WU near-ultraviolet fluorescence cube.

  • AMCA & WU - The fluorochrome AMCA (7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid), a bright blue conjugate and antibody stain with a WU near-ultraviolet fluorescence cube.

  • Hoechst 33258 & WU - The DNA-specific bis-amidazole fluorochrome Hoechst 33258-stained nuclei with a WU near-ultraviolet fluorescence cube.

  • Fast Blue & WU - Nerve tracing reagent Fast Blue in a retrograde labeling experiment with the near-ultraviolet WU fluorescence cube.

  • Diaminido Yellow & NV - The fluorochrome Diaminido Yellow filtered with the short-wavelength visible NV fluorescence cube.

  • Lucifer Yellow & WBV - Nerve cell tracing reagent Lucifer Yellow with the WBV fluorescence cube with a short-wavelength visible excitation filter and a long pass barrier filter.

  • DiO & WB - The membrane-specific fluorochrome 3,3'-dipentyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiO) used as a tracer with a wide-pass WB fluorescence cube.

  • Bodipy & WB - An organelle-specific (golgi apparatus) fluorochrome, Bodipy, a thiol-reactive conjugation probe with the wide-pass green WB fluorescence cube.

  • FITC & WIB - Antibody labeling with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) using the WIB green long-pass fluorescence cube.

  • Calcein AM & WIB - The esterase substrate Calcein AM (acetoxymethyl) is used as a probe for cellular viablility when coupled with the WIB long-pass fluorescence cube.

  • Fluo-3 & WIB - The calcium indicator Fluo-3 used with the long-pass WIB green fluorescence cube.

  • Rhodamine 123 & WIB - Rhodamine 123 is useful as a cell-permeant probe for mitochondria and also for live-cell function. Here it is used with the long-pass WIB fluorescence cube.

  • Propidium Iodide & WG - The DNA-binding intercalator propidium iodide is used to stain cell nuclei with the WG long-pass red filter fluorescence cube.

  • Pararosaniline-Feulgen & WG - The nuclei/nucleic acid stain Pararosaniline-Feulgen is used in a nuclear preparation with the WG long-pass red filter fluorescence cube.

  • DiI & WIG - This photomicrograph illustrates the use of membrane-specific DiI with the WIG fluorescence cube.

  • Ethidium Bromide & WIG - The well-studied DNA-specific nuclear stain Ethidium Bromide is used with the WIG fluorescence cube.

  • TRITC & WIG - Antibody-specific Tetramethyl Rhodamine Isothiocyanate (TRITC) is used in an antibody labeling preparation with the WIG fluorescence cube.

  • Cy 3 & WIG - The protein modification reagent Cy 3 is used in a cytoskeletal experiment with the WIG fluorescence cube.

  • Texas Red & WIY - The antibody-specific fluorochrome Texas Red is used in an antibody labeling experiment with the long-pass WIY red fluorescence cube.

  • Allophycocyanin & WIY - The antibody-specific fluorochrome Allophycocyanin (APC) is used in an antibody labeling experiment with the long-pass WIY red fluorescence cube.


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