Understanding NutritionUnderstanding Nutrition is a comprehensive text for a chemistry/biology-based course in normal nutrition at the introductory level. It includes up-to-date coverage of the newest research and emerging issues in nutrition. The pedagogical features of the text and the authors' approachable style help to make complex topics easily understandable for students. Understanding Nutrition - 3rd Edition - by Elinor Whitney, Corinne Cataldo, and Sharon Rolfes, 1991. Cover photomicrograph features ascorbic acid. Understanding Nutrition - 6th Edition - by Elinor Whitney and Sharon Rolfes, 1993. Cover photomicrograph features folic acid Understanding Nutrition - 7th Edition - by Elinor Whitney and Sharon Rolfes, 1996. Cover photomicrograph features serotonin. Questions or comments? Send us an email.© 1995-2022 by Michael W. Davidson and The Florida State University. All Rights Reserved. No images, graphics, software, scripts, or applets may be reproduced or used in any manner without permission from the copyright holders. Use of this website means you agree to all of the Legal Terms and Conditions set forth by the owners.
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