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Monkey Hair

Monkeys are a large diverse group of primates that are well known for their intelligence and curiosity. Capable of working out complex problems, learning from experience, and using tools, only the great apes and humans seem to exceed their intellectual capacity.

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Most monkeys are arboreal creatures that inhabit tropical or subtropical areas. Unlike apes, they do not typically swing through the trees with their arms, but instead run swiftly along the branches. The vast majority of the mammals are most active during the daytime and have no permanent shelter, choosing instead to travel on a continual basis in search of food. Social animals, monkeys usually carry out this process in sizable groups that may contain as many as several hundred individuals. Breeding may take place anytime amongst many species, but some seem to adhere to a seasonal cycle. Females usually bear only one infant at a time and are heavily involved in caring for the young, often for an extensive amount of time. Some male monkeys also actively take part in child rearing.

Though not particularly popular in modern times, in the early 1900s monkey fur was a popular fad. The shaggy but shiny coats and capes made of black monkey fur during the period were often lined in black satin or silk, and were particularly in demand among the glamorous starlets of early Hollywood. In other parts of the world, monkey fur has been widely sought for other reasons. For instance, the Colobus monkey of Africa was hunted extensively in the past by local tribes who wanted the animal’s impressive black and white fur for ceremonial purposes.



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