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The following reference materials were useful in the construction of the Museum of Microscopy and are highly recommended for further reading about the history of microscopes and microscopy.

Baker, H. (1769) and Wilson, J. (1706); The Microscope Made Easy and Pocket Microscopes, reprinted by Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois (1987).

Beck, R.; The Achromatic Microscope (1865), reprinted by Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois (1987).

Blumberg, J. M., Smith, B. H., Leepter, C. K., Cowart, E. C., Richards, O. w., Purtle, H. R., and Ey, J. A.; The Billings Microscope Collection of the Medical Museum Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, The American Registry of Pathology, Washington, D. C. (1967).

Bracegirdle, B.; A History of Microtechnique (2nd Edition), reprinted by Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois (1987).

Bradbury, S.; The Evolution of the Microscope, Pergamon Press, New York (1967).

Bradbury, S. and Bracegirdle, B.; Introduction to Light Microscopy (Microscopy Handbooks 42), Bios Scientific Publishers and Springer-Verlag, New York (1998).

Bradbury, S., Evennett, P. J., Haselmann, H., and Piller, H.; Dictionary of Light Microscopy (Microscopy Handbooks 15), Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom and New York (1989).

Clay, R. S. and Court, T. H.; The History of the Microscope, Charles Griffin and Co., Ltd., London (1932).

Hartley, W. G.; The Light Microscope: Its Use and Development, Senecio Publishing Company, Oxford, United Kingdom (1993).

Hooke, R.; Micrographia (1665), reprinted by Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois (1987).

Jacker, C.; Window on the Unknown: A History of the Microscope, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (1966).

Lee, A. B. (1885); The Microtomist's Vade-Mecum, reprinted by Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois (1987).

McCormick, J. B.; 18th-Century Microscopes: A Synopsis of History and Workbook, reprinted by Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois (1987).

McCormick, J.B. and Turner, G. L'E.; The Atlas Catalogue of Replica Rara Ltd. Antique Microscopes, Replica Rara Limited, Schiller Park, Illinois (1975).

Malies, H.; A Short History of the English Microscope (The Microscope Series), Microscope Publications Ltd., Chicago, Illinois (1981).

Palmer, F. W., and Sahiar, A. B.; Microscopes to the end of the nineteenth century, A Science Museum illustrated booklet, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London (1971).

Pritchard, A. (1832); The Microscopic Cabinet, reprinted by Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois (1987).

Quekett, J.; Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope (1848), reprinted by Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois (1987).

Ruestow, E. G.; The Microscope in the Dutch Republic: The Shaping of Discovery, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York (1996).

Turner, G. L'E.; Collecting Microscopes, Christie's International Collectors Series, Mayflower Books, New York (1981).

Turner, G. L'E.; Essays on the History of the Microscope, Senecio Publishing Company, Ltd., Oxford, England (1980).

Turner, G. L'E.; The Great Age of the Microscope, Adam Hilger, Bristol and New York (1989).

Turner, G. L'E.; Catalogue of Microscopes: the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Giunti, Rome (1991).

Wilson C.; The Invisible World: Early Modern Philosophy and the Invention of the Microscope, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey (1995).


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