Reference Materials
A large number of books dealing with various topics in optical microscopy have been published by leading authors and researchers in the field, and many have been utilized as references to prepare discussions included in the Molecular Expressions Optical Microscopy Primer. This section contains a listing of the important books including the names of all co-authors, publisher information, the number of pages for each volume, and the publication year.
Abramowitz, Mortimer; Microscope Basics and Beyond, (Volume 1)., Olympus America Inc., Melville, New York, 26 pages (1987).
Abramowitz, Mortimer; Contrast Methods in Microscopy: Transmitted Light, (Volume 2)., Olympus America Inc., Melville, New York, 31 pages (1987).
Abramowitz, Mortimer; Reflected Light Microscopy: An Overview, (Volume 3)., Olympus America Inc., Melville, New York, 23 pages (1990).
Abramowitz, Mortimer; Fluorescence Microscopy: The Essentials, (Volume 4)., Olympus America Inc., Melville, New York, 43 pages (1993).
Abramowitz, Mortimer; Photomicrography: A Practical Guide, (Volume 5)., Olympus America Inc., Melville, New York, 27 pages (1998).
Abramowitz, Mortimer; Optics: A Primer., Olympus America Inc., Melville, New York, 22 pages (1994).
Adams, A. E. and MacKenzie, W. S.; A Color Atlas of Carbonate Sediments and Rocks Under the Microscope., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 180 pages (1998).
Adams, A. E., MacKenzie, W. S., and Guilford, C.; Atlas of Sedimentary Rocks Under the Microscope, (6th Impression)., Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., Essex, United Kingdom, 104 pages (1997).
Adams, Josephine C. (editor); Methods in Cell-Matrix Adhesion, (Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 69)., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 461 pages (2002).
Allan, Victoria J. (editor); Protein Localization by Fluorescence Microscopy: A Practical Approach, (The Practical Approach Series)., Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 231 pages (2000).
Allen, R. M.; The Microscope., D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 286 pages (1940).
Alvin, Virginia and Silverstein, Robert; The Kingdom of Life Monerans and Protists., Twenty-First Century Books, Brookfield, Connecticut, 64 pages (1996).
American Optical Company; Spencer Scientific Instruments., American Optical Company, Scientific Instruments Division, Buffalo, New York, 207 pages (1946).
Anderson, Bridget; How Bodies Work: Animal Physiology, (Come Learn With Me Series)., Lickle Publishing, Hong Kong, 48 pages (2002).
Anderson, Bridget; The Kingdoms of Life: Classification, (Come Learn With Me Series)., Lickle Publishing, Hong Kong, 48 pages (2002).
Anderson, M. D.; Through the Microscope, (Science Probes an Unseen World)., The Natural History Press (for the American Museum of Natural History), Garden City, New York, 156 pages (1965).
Archinard, P. E.; Microscopy and Bacteriology: A Manual for Students and Practitioners, (The Medical Epitome Series)., Lea Brothers and Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 210 pages (1903).
Ash, Eric A. (editor); Scanned Image Microscopy, (The Rank Prize Funds Opto-Electronics Biennial Symposia)., Academic Press, London, United Kingdom, 461 pages (1980).
Austin, V. A. and Blankenhorn, R. C.; A Preliminary Checklist of Books Relating to Microscopes and Microscopy., The Gemmary, Redondo Beach, California, 133 pages (1993).
Bach, Peter H., Reynold, C. Hugh, Clark, Jessica M., Mottley, John, and Poole, Phil L. (editors); Biotechnology Applications of Microinjection, Microscopic Imaging, and Fluorescence, (Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Microscopic Imaging Fluorescence and Microinjection in Biotechnology, held April 21-24, 1992, in London, United Kingdom)., Plenum Press, New York, 255 pages (1993).
Bailey, Adrian and Holloway, Adrian; The Book of Color Photography., Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., London, United Kingdom, 348 pages (1984).
Baker, Henry and Wilson, James; The Microscope Made Easy and Pocket Microscopes, (History of Microscopy Series)., Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois, 330 pages (1987).
Baker, John R.; Cytological Technique: The Principles Underlying Routine Methods, (5th Edition, Science Paperbacks, Methuen's Monographs on Biological Subjects)., Methuen and Company, London, United Kingdom, 149 pages (1966).
Barer, R.; Lecture Notes on the Use of the Microscope, (2nd Edition)., Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, United Kingdom, 76 pages (1956).
Barnard, Joseph Edwin; Practical Photo-Micrography., Edward Arnold and Company, London, United Kingdom, 286 pages (1911).
Barnard, Joseph Edwin and Welch, Frank V.; Practical Photo-Micrography, (2nd Edition)., Edward Arnold and Company, London, United Kingdom, 316 pages (1925).
Bass, Michael, Van Stryland, Eric W., Williams, David R., and Wolfe, William L. (editors); Handbook of Optics: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Design, (Volume 1, 2nd Edition)., Optical Society of America, McGraw-Hill, New York, Irregular Pagination (1995).
Bass, Michael, Van Stryland, Eric W., Williams, David R., and Wolfe, William L. (editors); Handbook of Optics: Devices, Measurements, and Properties, (Volume 2, 2nd Edition)., Optical Society of America, McGraw-Hill, New York, Irregular Pagination (1995).
Bausch and Lomb Optical Company; Microscopes and Accessories., Rochester, New York, 318 pages (1929).
Bausch, Edward; Manipulation of the Microscope., Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, Rochester, New York, 127 pages (1891).
Bausch, Edward; The Use and Care of the Microscope., Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, Rochester, New York, 31 pages (1932).
Baxes, Gregory A.; Digital Image Processing., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 452 pages (1994).
Beale, Lionel S.; How to Work with the Microscope, (4th Edition)., Harrison, Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom, 383 pages (1868).
Beavis, Gerald; The Book of The Microscope., J. B. Lippincott Company, London, United Kingdom, 246 pages (1931).
Beck, Conrad; The Microscope: A Simple Handbook, (Part 1, 3rd Edition)., R. and J. Beck Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 151 pages (1930).
Beck, Conrad; The Microscope: Theory and Practice., R. and J. Beck Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 264 pages (1938).
Beck, Richard; The Achromatic Microscope, (History of Microscopy Series)., Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois, 144 pages + 28 Plates (1987).
Becker, Eberhard; Fluorescence Microscopy: Principles, Instruments, Applications., Wild Leitz GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany, 71 pages (1985).
Belling, John; The Use of the Microscope: A Handbook for Routine and Research Work., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 315 pages (1930).
Benford, James R.; The Theory of the Microscope., Bausch & Lomb Inc., Rochester, New York, 24 pages (1965).
Bennett, A. H., Jupnik, H., Osterberg, H., and Richards, O. W.; Phase Microscopy., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 320 pages (1951).
Bergner, J., Gelbke, E., and Mehliss, W.; Practical Photomicrography., Focal Press, New York, 228 pages (1966).
Berlyn, Graeme P. and Miksche, Jerome P.; Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry., The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 326 pages (1976).
Berry, Richard, Kanto, Veikko, and Munger, John; The CCD Camera Cookbook: Build Your Own Astronomical CCD Camera with this Step-by-Step Recipe., Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, 176 pages (1993).
Beynon, J. D. E. and Lamb, D. R.; Charge-Coupled Devices and Their Applications., McGraw-Hill, London, United Kingdom, 275 pages (1980).
Biek, Leo; Archaeology and The Microscope: The Scientific Examination of Archaeological Evidence., Lutterworth Press, London, United Kingdom, 287 pages (1963).
Blaker, Alfred A.; Handbook for Scientific Photography, (2nd Edition)., Focal Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 287 pages (1989).
Bloss, F. Donald; An Introduction to the Methods of Optical Crystallography., Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 294 pages (1990).
Bloss, F. Donald; Optical Crystallography, (MSA's Monograph Series, Number 5)., Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, 239 pages (1999).
Boon, Mathilde and Drijver, Johanna S.; Routine Cytological Staining Techniques: Theoretical Background and Practice., MacMillan Education Ltd., Hampshire, United Kingdom, 238 pages (1986).
Born, Max and Wolf, Emil; Principles of Optics, (7th Edition)., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 952 pages (1999).
Bovik, Al (editor); Handbook of Image and Video Processing, (Academic Press Series in Communications, Networking, and Multimedia)., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 891 pages (2000).
Boyer, Howard E. (editor); Hardness Testing., ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio, 188 pages (1997).
Bracegirdle, Brian; A History of Microtechnique, (2nd Edition, History of Microscopy Series)., Science Heritage Ltd., Lincolnwood, Illinois, 393 pages (1987).
Bracegirdle, Brian; Microscopical Mounts and Mounters., The Quekett Microscopical Club, Seacourt Press Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom, 225 pages (1998).
Bracegirdle, Brian (editor); Microscopical Papers from the "Quekett"., The Quekett Microscopical Club, London, United Kingdom, 277 pages (1989).
Bracegirdle, Brian; Notes on Modern Microscope Manufacturers., The Quekett Microscopical Club, Oxford, United Kingdom, 88 pages (1996).
Bracegirdle, Brian; Scientific PhotoMACROgraphy, (Royal Microscopical Society Microscopy Handbooks, Number 31)., BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom, 105 pages (1995).
Bracegirdle, Brian and Bradbury, Savile; Modern PhotoMICROgraphy, (Royal Microscopical Society Microscopy Handbooks, Number 33)., BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom, 94 pages (1995).
Bracegirdle, Brian and McCormick, James B.; The Microscopic Photographs of J. B. Dancer., Science Heritage Ltd., Chicago, Illinois, 280 pages (1993).
Bradbury, Savile; An Introduction to the Optical Microscope, (Revised Edition, Royal Microscopical Society Microscopy Handbooks, Number 1)., Oxford Science Publications, Oxford, United Kingdom, 86 pages (1991).
Bradbury, Savile; The Evolution of the Microscope., Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 357 pages (1967).
Bradbury, Savile; The Microscope Past and Present, (Pergamon International Popular Science Series)., Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 272 pages (1968).
Bradbury, Savile; The Optical Microscope in Biology, (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology, Number 59)., Edward Arnold Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 76 pages (1976).
Bradbury, Savile and Bracegirdle, Brian; Introduction to Light Microscopy, (Royal Microscopical Society Microscopy Handbooks, Number 42)., BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom, 123 pages (1998).
Bradbury, Savile and Evennett, Peter J.; Contrast Techniques in Light Microscopy, (Royal Microscopical Society Microscopy Handbook Series, Number 34., BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom, 118 pages (1996).
Bradbury, Savile and Turner, Gerard L'E. (editors); Historical Aspects of Microscopy, (Papers read at a one-day conference held by The Royal Microscopical Society at Oxford, 18 March, 1966)., W. Heffer and Sons Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom, 227 pages (1967).
Bradbury, Savile, Evennett, Peter J., Haselman, H., and Piller, H.; RMS Dictionary of Light Microscopy, (Royal Microscopical Society Microscopy Handbooks, Number 15)., Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 139 pages (1989).
Brady, Susan and Willard, Carolyn; Microscopic Explorations, (A GEMS Festival Teacher's Guide, Great Explorations in Math and Science)., Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley, California, 151 pages (1999).
Brandon, David and Kaplan, Wayne D.; Microstructural Characterization of Materials., John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 409 pages (1999).
Brandreth, Gyles; The Great Book of Optical Illusions., Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 96 pages (1985).
Brönmark, Christer and Hansson, Lars-Anders; The Biology of Lakes and Ponds, (Biology of Habitats Series)., Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 216 pages (1999).
Burrells, W.; Industrial Microscopy in Practice., Fountain Press, London, United Kingdom, 572 pages (1961).
Cabib, Dario, Cogswell, Carol J., Conchello, José, Lerner, Jeremy M., and Wilson, Tony (editors); Proceedings of Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing VI, 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California, (SPIE Progress in Biomedical Optics Series, Volume 3605)., SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington, 346 pages (1999).
Caduto, Michael J.; Pond and Brook: A Guide to Nature in Fresh Water Environments., University Press of New England, Hanover, New Hampshire, 276 pages (1990).
Carl Zeiss; Zeiss Mikroskope und Nebenapparate 1927., Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany, 116 pages (1927).
Carl Zeiss; Anticipating the Future., Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany, 23 pages (1995).
Carpenter, William B.; The Microscope and Its Revelations, (6th Edition)., J. and A. Churchill, London, United Kingdom, 882 pages (1881).
Carpenter, William B.; The Microscope and Its Revelations, (Volume 1, 6th Edition)., William Wood and Company, New York, 388 pages (1883).
Carpenter, William B.; The Microscope and Its Revelations, (Volume 2, 6th Edition)., William Wood and Company, New York, 354 pages (1883).
Cartz, Louis; Nondestructive Testing: Radiology, Ultrasonics, Liquid Penetrant, Magnetic Particle, Eddy Current., ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, 229 pages (1995).
Carucci, John; The New Media Guide to Creative Photography: Image Capture and Printing in the Digital Age., Amphoto Books, New York, 155 pages (1988).
Castleman, Kenneth R.; Digital Image Processing., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 667 pages (1996).
Castleman, Kenneth R.; Digital Image Processing, (Prentice-Hall Signal Processing Series)., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 429 pages (1979).
Catling, Dorothy and Grayson, John; Identification of Vegetable Fibres., Archetype Publications, London, United Kingdom, 89 pages + 52 Plates (1998).
Catt, David, Jr.; Scenes from the Microscope., Samuel E. Roberts, London, United Kingdom, 80 pages (1905).
Cebulla, D. W.; Handbook of Incident Light Microscopy, (Volume 1: Qualitative Microscopy)., Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany, 68 pages (1979).
Cellis, Julio E. (editor); Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook, (Volume 3: Light Microscopy and Contrast Generation, 2nd Edition)., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 525 pages (1998).
Chalfie, Martin and Kain, Steven (editors); Green Fluorescent Protein: Properties, Applications, and Protocols., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 385 pages (1998).
Chalmers, B. and Quarrel, A. S.; Physical Examination of Metals, (Volume 1: Optical Methods)., Arnold, London, United Kingdom, 298 pages (1960).
Chamot, Émile Monnin; Elementary Chemical Microscopy, (2nd Edition)., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 479 pages (1921).
Chamot, Émile Monnin and Mason, Clyde Walter; Handbook of Chemical Microscopy, (Volume 1: Principles and Use of Microscopes and Accessories, Physical Methods for the Study of Chemical Properties, 2nd Edition)., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 478 pages (1938).
Chamot, Émile Monnin and Mason, Clyde Walter; Handbook of Chemical Microscopy, (Volume 2: Chemical Methods and Inorganic Qualitative Analysis, 2nd Edition)., John Wiley and Sons, New York, pages (1940).
Cheng, P. C., Hwang, P. P., Wu, J. L., Wang, G., and Kim, H. (editors); Focus on Multidimensional Microscopy, (Volume 1)., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 311 pages (1999).
Cherry, Richard J. (editor); New Techniques of Optical Microscopy and Microspectroscopy, (Topics in Molecular and Structural Biology)., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 279 pages (1991).
Chieco, P., Jonker, A., and Van Noorden, C. J. F.; Image Cytometry, (Royal Microscopical Society Microscopy Handbook, Number 46)., BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom, 116 pages (2001).
Clark, Charles H.; Practical Methods in Microscopy, (5th Edition)., D. C. Heath and Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 337 pages (1925).
Clark, George L. (editor); The Encyclopedia of Microscopy., Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 693 pages (1961).
Clay, Reginald S. and Court, Thomas H.; The History of the Microscope: Compiled From Original Instruments and Documents, Up to the Introduction of the Achromatic Microscope., Charles Griffin and Company Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 266 pages (1932).
Clegg, John; The Observer's Book of Pond Life, (2nd Edition)., Frederick Warne and Company Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 209 pages (1972).
Cline, David, Hofstetter, Henry W., and Griffin, John R.; Dictionary of Visual Science, (4th Edition)., Chilton Trade Book Publishing, Radnor, Pennsylvania, 820 pages (1989).
Cobb, Vicki; Dirt and Grime., Scholastic, New York, 32 pages (1998).
Cogswell, Carol J. and Carlsson, Kjell (editors); Proceedings of Three-Dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing, 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California, (SPIE Progress in Biomedical Optics Series, Volume 2184)., SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington, 270 pages (1994).
Cogswell, Carol J., Conchello, José-Angel, and Wilson, Tony (editors); Proceedings of Three-Dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing IV, 12-13 February 1997, San Jose, California, (SPIE Progress in Biomedical Optics Series, Volume 2984)., SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington, 274 pages (1997).
Cogswell, Carol J., Kino, Gordon S., and Wilson, Tony; Proceedings of Three-Dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing III, 30 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California, (SPIE Progress in Biomedical Optics Series, Volume 2655)., SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington, 300 pages (1996).
Cole, Arthur C. (editor); Studies in Microscopical Science, (Volume 2)., Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London, United Kingdom, 59 pages + Appendices (1884).
Collett, Edward; Polarized Light: Fundamentals and Applications, (Optical Engineering Series)., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 581 pages (1993).
Conn, G. K. and Bradshaw F. J.; Polarized Light in Metallography., Butterworths and Company Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 147 pages (1952).
Conn, P. Michael (editor); Confocal Microscopy, (Methods in Enzymology, Volume 307)., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 663 pages (1999).
Conn, P. Michael (editor); Green Fluorescent Protein, (Methods in Enzymology, Volume 302)., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 490 pages (1999).
Conn, P. Michael (editor); Quantitative and Qualitative Microscopy, (Methods in Neurosciences, Volume 3)., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 494 pages (1990).
Conrady, Alexander Eugene and Kingslake, Rudolf; Applied Optics and Optical Design, (Volume 1)., Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, 518 pages (1992).
Conrady, Alexander Eugene and Kingslake, Rudolf; Applied Optics and Optical Design, (Volume 2)., Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, 223 pages (1992).
Corle, Timothy R. and Kino, Gordon S.; Confocal Scanning Optical Microscopy and Related Imaging Systems., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 335 pages (1996).
Corrington, Julian D.; Working With the Microscope., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 418 pages (1941).
Cosgrove, Margaret; Strange Worlds Under a Microscope., Lutterworth Press, London, United Kingdom, 140 pages (1962).
Cosslett, V. E.; Modern Microscopy or Seeing the Very Small., Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 160 pages + 32 Plates, (1966).
Cowden, Ronald R. and Garrison, Frederick W. (editors); Advances in Microscopy., (Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Volume 196)., Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 343 pages (1985).
Cowdry, E. V.; Microscopic Technique in Biology and Medicine., The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, Maryland, 206 pages (1943).
Cowhig, Jerry; The World Under the Microscope, (The World of Nature Series)., Bounty Books, New York, 128 pages (1974).
Cox, Gerald; Pond Life., Michael Kesend Publishing Ltd., New York, 88 pages (1988).
Craig, James R. and Vaughan, David J.; Ore Microscopy and Ore Petrography, (2nd Edition)., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 434 pages (1994).
Cross, M. I. and Cole, Martin J.; Modern Microscopy: A Handbook for Beginners and Students, (5th Edition)., Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London, United Kingdom, 315 pages (1922).
Crouse, R. S., Gray, R. J., and Leslie, B. C.; Interpretive Techniques for Microstructural Analysis., Plenum Press, New York, 201 pages (1997).
Croy, O. R.; Creative Photo Micrography., Amphoto Books, New York, 247 pages (1968).
Culling, C. F. A.; Modern Microscopy Elementary Theory and Practice., Butterworths and Company Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 148 pages (1974).
Curran, R. C.; Colour Atlas of Histopathology, (3rd Edition)., Harvey Miller Publishers, London, United Kingdom, 292 pages (1985).
Darzynkiewicz, Zbigniew, Crissman, Harry A., and Robinson, J. Paul; Cytometry, (Part B, 3rd Edition, Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 64)., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 614 pages (2001).
Davies, Adrian and Fennessy, Phil; Digital Imaging for Photographers, (3rd Edition)., Focal Press, Oxford, United Kingdom (1998).
Davies, Thomas; The Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects., David Bogue, London, United Kingdom, 214 pages (1880).
DeDuve, Christian; Blueprint for a Cell: The Nature and Origin of Life., Neil Patterson Publishing, Burlington, North Carolina, 275 pages (1991).
DeHoff, Robert T. and Rhines, Frederick N. (editors); Quantitative Microscopy, (Materials Science and Engineering Series)., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 422 pages (1968).
Delly, John Gustav; Photography Through the Microscope, (9th Edition)., Eastman Kodak Company, Kodak Publication P2, Rochester, New York, 104 pages (1988).
Delly, John Gustav; Teaching Microscopy, (The Microscope Series)., Microscope Publications Ltd., Chicago, Illinois, 264 pages (1994).
Desmarias, Louis; Applied Electro Optics., Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 337 pages (1998).
Determann, Hans and Lepusch, Friedrich; The Microscope and Its Application., Ernst Leitz Canada Ltd., Midland, Ontario, Canada, 115 pages (1982).
Detrich, H. William, III, Westerfield, Monte, and Zon, Leonard I.; Methods in Cell Biology, (Volume 60: The Zebrafish - Genetics and Genomics)., Academic Press, San Diego, California, 396 pages + Plates (1999).
Diaspro, Alberto (editor); Confocal and Two-Photon Microscopy: Foundations, Applications, and Advances., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 567 pages (2002).
Disney, Alfred N., Hill, Cyrill F., and Baker, Wilfred E. Watson (editors); Origin and Development of the Microscope, as Illustrated by Catalogues of the Instruments and Accessories, in the Collections of the Royal Microscopical Society, Together with Bibliographies of Original Authorities, Proceeded by an Historical Survey on the Early Progress of Optical Science., The Royal Microscopical Society, London, United Kingdom, 303 pages (1928).
Disraeli, Robert; New Worlds Through the Microscope, (Revised and Expanded Edition)., The Viking Press, New York, 175 pages (1960).
Ditchburn, R. W.; Light., Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, 661 pages (1991).
Dobell, Clifford; Antony Van Leeuwenhoek and His 'Little Animals': Being an Account of the Father of Protozoology and Bacteriology and His Multifarious Discoveries in These Disciplines., Russell and Russell, New York, 435 pages (1958).
Doggart, James Hamilton; Ocular Signs in Slit-Lamp Microscopy., Henry Kimpton, London, United Kingdom, 112 pages (1948).
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Fournier, Marian; The Fabric of Life: Microscopy in the Seventeenth Century., John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland (1996).
Fowles, Grant R.; Introduction of Modern Optics., Dover Publications, New York, 328 pages (1975).
Françon, M.; Progress in Microscopy., Row, Peterson and Company, Evanston, Illinois, 295 pages (1961).
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Zimmerman, Barry E. and Zimmerman, David J.; Why Nothing Can Travel Faster Than Light and Other Explorations in Nature's Curiosity Shop., Contemporary Books, Chicago, Illinois, 309 pages (1993).
Zirkel, Ferdinand; Microscopical Petrography, (United States Geological Explorations of the Fortieth Parallel)., United States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 297 pages + 12 Color Plates (1876).
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