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We have carved this gallery of flags and maps out of the main body of the Silicon Zoo so that our visitors can have rapid access to the smallest available renditions of these icons from their favorite states and countries.

Our visitors might also enjoy Silicon Zoo: Logos containing images of corporate logos and "mascots" such as the Fort Collins Goose and the Cypress tree that is found on all Cypress Semiconductor chips. Another corner of the zoo, "Silicon Scriptures", contains photomicrographs of designers' names and initials, declarations, and other messages left on the surface of integrated circuits. We have also established a gallery of "Lesser Doodles", which is composed of less complex silicon artwork than that found in the main gallery.

We are in perpetual search of additional integrated circuits that may contain residual scribbling left by chip designers. If you know of any, please email us with the pertinent information. We will be happy to pay for registered shipping of the chips both ways to ensure they do not get "lost" in the mail.

Silicon Zoo Screen Savers - Download our Silicon Zoo screen savers for Windows now! We have versions featuring 20, 40, 60, or over 80 creatures sized just right for your download connection, whether it is a 14.4K modem or fast T3 Ethernet connection.


The Canadian Flag - Perhaps the smallest rendition ever made of a flag, this Maple-leaf adorned banner is only 5 microns long.

French Silicon - A map of the country of France was discovered on a Thomson/Mostek integrated circuit.

The Great State of Maine - This map of the state of Maine, complete with a sailboat and lighthouse, was discovered on a National Semiconductor transceiver chip.

IDT American Flag - Integrated Device Technology chip designers have placed the smallest (only 5 microns high) version of the American flag on one of their integrated circuits.

Made In America - We have seen quite a few "Made in America" tags on everything from neckties to aircraft, but this is the first such tag we have found on an integrated circuit.

The State of Texas - Another map of Texas, this time done by Mostek chip designers.

Texas Longhorns - From Texas-based Advanced Micro Devices, we present a silicon longhorn steer and the state flag.

Texas Flag - Another example of the Texas state flag designed by Advanced Micro Devices integrated circuit designers.

The Texicans - A collection of symbols from the great state of Texas.

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in collaboration with Optical Microscopy at the
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Last modification: Friday, Nov 13, 2015 at 02:18 PM
Access Count Since April 3, 1999: 123564
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