The Texicans

The Texicans

This unusual collection from the great state of Texas was found on the same Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) chip sporting the touch-tone telephone. The state flag is accompanied by a miniature outline map of the state and there is a figure to the right of the map. This figure appears to represent either a policeman or Texas Ranger.

Kerry Judd, the layout manager for this chip (AMD ID number 9430F), has informed us that the figure on the right was affectionately known as the "Unknown Layout Guy". He says that AMD chip designers even had a life-sized model of the figure, which was invented to help offset the heavy work-load of designing the chip. The outline on the upper left chest of the layout guy was intended to be his employee badge. This chip is an ISDN integrated circuit that is still in use as AMD part number AM79c30.

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