Beers from the United States A - B

Anchor Merry Christmas 1995 Happy New Year Ale - The twenty-first special ale produced by the Anchor Brewing Company, this beer is brewed with a different recipe each year with the intent of bringing joy and celebration of the newness of life.

Anchor Porter Beer - A unique dark brew, this porter beer is brewed to produce an intensely rich flavor.

Anchor Steam Beer - Brewed using pale and crystal malts, Northern Brewer hops and fermented with lager yeast, Anchor Steam Beer is created with all the roundness of a lager but the complexity of an ale.

Bud Dry - This premium beer is brewed to have a smooth, rich, and dry taste, following in the Anheuser-Busch tradition.

Bud Ice - Brewed with ice crystals, this premium beer has a rich, smooth, full-bodied taste.

Bud Ice Light - This premium Bud beer has a smooth, ice-brewed taste, but contains fewer calories than any other ice beer on the market.

Bud Light - This light beer has a unique refreshing taste, originally introduced in 1982, and later became the most popular light beer in 1994.

Budweiser - This premium lager has been brewed and sold since 1876, and is known as "The King of Beers."

Busch - This leading subpremium brand has a clean, snappy character, as well as a smooth, refreshing taste that has satisfied many Americans since 1955.

Beers of the United States

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