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QX3 Digital Image Gallery

Reflected Rheinberg Illumination

After adapting the Intel QX3 microscope for use with Rheinberg illumination, we have examined and recorded a number of digital images that are presented below. All specimens were imaged using oblique auxiliary illumination and fiber optic light tubes covered with colored gels to highlight the specimen. Darker gels were placed over the frosted diffusion screen on the microscope stage to serve as a background color for the images.

Assorted Fibers - Many synthetic and natural fibers lack sufficient contrast to be adequately imaged in transmitted or reflected brightfield microscopy. We demonstrate an increase in contrast with a potpourri of synthetic fibers in Rheinberg illumination

Butterfly Wing Scales - The wings of butterflies and moths are covered with microscopic scales that help waterproof the flight gear and add color to the insect. These scales are difficult to image with brightfield illumination and exhibit a dramatic increase in contrast using Rheinberg illumination.

Cyclops Egg Sacs - We captured several digital images of a female Cyclops bearing two egg sacs under reflected Rheinberg illumination.

Deer Tick (Ixodes dammini) - Best known for its ability to carry the microorganism that causes Lyme disease, the Deer tick is imaged using Rheinberg gels.

Fruit Fly (Drosophilia melanogaster) - Long used as a model in molecular and cellular genetics, this miniature fly was imaged with the QX3 microscope.

Fish Scales - Scales are a bony outgrowth of the skin of an animal, and are particularly common in fish, reptiles, and birds. Stained fish scales are good candidates for photomicrography with Rheinberg illumination.

Insect Wings - Notoriously difficult to image with sufficient contrast, insect wings come alive with color under reflected Rheinberg illumination.

Mosquito - We slammed this guy under the microscope before he could take a bite out of us. He sure does look good on a blue background.

Tallahassee Pond Scum, Part 1 - We have rescued a number of miniature creatures from a stagnant pond here in Tallahassee. Use this link to view a few of these microscopic animals.

Tallahassee Pond Scum, Part 2 - This section illustrates Rheinberg images of a water flea, a Cyclops, and a nematode worm.

Tallahassee Pond Scum, Part 3 - This section illustrates Rheinberg images of a Cyclops, a nematode worm, and a stentor.

Tapeworm - A fixed and mounted tapeworm is imaged using a combination of red and blue gels.


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This website is maintained by our
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in collaboration with Optical Microscopy at the
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
The QX3 microscope design is copyrighted © 2025 by Mattel, Inc. Intel® Play™ is a registered trademark of the Intel Corporation. These companies reserve all of their rights and privileges under copyright law. The material contained in this website is solely the opinion of the authors and is intended for eduational use only.
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