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Digital Image Galleries

The Olympus MIC-D digital microscope image galleries contain a wide spectrum of images representing all of the illumination techniques available with this unique instrument. Specimens include stained thin sections, whole mounts, thick sections, living pond creatures, insects, recrystallized chemicals, and integrated circuits. Imaging of specimens contained in the gallery was assisted by the various contrast-enhancing technology featured by the MIC-D, and the galleries are arranged according to contrast technique. In addition to still image galleries, collections of chemical crystals undergoing melting transitions and pond life captured with the MIC-D in time-lapse or real-time video are presented. Visitors who enjoy the galleries are invited to download and install screen savers containing images from the galleries.

Brightfield Illumination Digital Image Gallery - Featuring a wide spectrum of stained and unstained specimens, the MIC-D brightfield image gallery contains digital images that were captured using the microscope at a variety of zoom optical system magnifications. The images were corrected and adjusted with respect to contrast, brightness, sharpness, hue, color balance, and saturation using digital image processing tools available in the MIC-D software processing window.

Darkfield Illumination Digital Image Gallery - Darkfield illumination transforms specimens into bright, highlighted structures superimposed on a very dark or black background. When the MIC-D digital microscope illuminator is positioned at highly oblique angles (over 25 degrees from the optical axis), semi-transparent specimens can be readily observed and captured with the accompanying interface software. This gallery demonstrates the darkfield imaging ability of the microscope on a wide variety of specimens.

Oblique Illumination Digital Image Gallery - The true versatility of the unique MIC-D digital microscope design becomes apparent with oblique illumination techniques made possible by off-axis translation of the illuminator head and condenser assembly. This feature enables the microscopist to enhance contrast in specimens that would otherwise remain invisible (or nearly so) in brightfield illumination. The oblique illumination gallery contains numerous images of both stained and unstained specimens observed with off-axis lighting techniques.

Polarized Light Digital Image Gallery - Polarized light is useful for anisotropic specimens that interact with light waves in a highly directional manner. The MIC-D digital microscope polarized light gallery contains a wide variety of birefringent specimens ranging from common organic chemicals and vitamins, to ceramic single crystals and petrographic mineral thin sections. Each image has been captured and processed to expose the minute and intricate details often present in specimens of this nature.

Reflected Light Digital Image Gallery - The range of specimens falling into the reflected or incident light category is enormous, and includes metals, ores, ceramics, polymers, semiconductor wafers and dies, slag, coal, plastics, paint, paper, wood, leather, and glass inclusions. In order to study these specimens, which are unable to pass light through the interior, illumination must be directed onto the surface and eventually returned to the microscope objective by either specular of diffused reflectance. The MIC-D digital microscope reflected light gallery contains a selected variety of specimens that are often captured with telephoto lenses in traditional photography.

Integrated Circuit Digital Image Gallery - The intricate details found on the surface of integrated circuits offer a unique glimpse into the miniature world of modern electronics. In reflected light mode, the MIC-D digital microscope is a useful tool for examining these devices, whether encapsulated in a package or in the form of a flat, raw wafer. Highlight regions containing busses and registers can be enhanced through the application of filter gels over the illuminator front lens element to produce highly colored digital images. The integrated circuit gallery contains images of common microprocessors, memory chips, math co-processors, as well as common network and logic circuits.

Butterfly Wing Scale Digital Image Gallery - From a distance, butterfly wings are a beautiful sight to behold. Under a microscope, they are even more so. The Olympus MIC-D Digital Microscope is capable of capturing the fine details present in the delicate structures of these fragile, yet versatile structures. Utilizing a variety of specimen preparation techniques, the butterfly wing scale gallery contains digital images taken in brightfield, darkfield, and oblique illumination modes, as well as in reflected light. Each type of illumination results in a different image and, when examined together, they provide a more complete representation of the magnificence and complexity of some of nature's most splendid creatures.

Digital Video Galleries

Chemical Crystals - Chemical compounds can exist in three basic phases: gaseous, liquid, or solid. Gases consist of weakly bonded atoms and expand to fill any available space. Solids are characterized by strong atomic bonding and have a rigid shape. Most are crystalline, having a three-dimensional periodic atomic arrangement. Some, such as glass, lack this periodic arrangement and are noncrystalline, or amorphous. Liquids have characteristics that fall in between gases and solids. This cinemicrographic collection shows time-lapse movies of various chemical compounds as they change physical states.

Pond Life - Freshwater ponds provide a home for a wide variety of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants, insects, and animals. The vast majority of pond inhabitants, however, are invisible until viewed under the microscope. Beneath the placid surface of any pond is a microscopic metropolis bustling with activity as tiny bizarre organisms pursue their lives; locomoting, eating, trying not to be eaten, excreting, and reproducing. In this collection of digital movies, observe the activities of microscopic organisms taken from a typical North Florida pond.

Contributing Authors

Cynthia D. Kelly, Omar Alvarado, John D. Homan, Thomas J. Fellers and Michael W. Davidson - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310.


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