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QX3 Digital Image Gallery

Transmitted Brightfield Photomicrographs

The QX3 microscope is useful for examining stained thin sections of animal and plant tissues. Using brightfield illumination with an auxiliary illuminator, we have prepared this gallery of photomicrographs that explores the world of transmitted brightfield microscopy.

Decalcified Compact Bone - This mammalian bone tissue thin section was prepared from decalcified tissue.

Developing Long Bone - Taken from a long bone section from a newborn young mammal, this digital image illustrates bone structure and cartilage.

Developing Joint - A stained thin section of developing mammalian joint in brightfield illumination showing osteogenesis and ligament development.

Elastic Cartilage - Stained with eosin and Verhoeff dyes that render cytoplasmic structure a red color and elastic fibers blue to black, these thin sections of rabbit elastic cartilage show fibers between lacunae.

Fetal Skull - An excellent demonstration of osteogenesis, these stained thin sections of mammalian skull and flat bones of the face demonstrate intramembranous ossification.

Generalized Plant Cell - A typical thin section of a plant cell stained with safranin O for nuclei and chromosomes, fast green for cytoplasm and cellulose cell walls, crystal violet for starch grains, and orange G for acidophilic cytoplasm.

Intercellular Bridges - Intracellular bridges in squamous epithelium are stained with iron and hematoxylin.

Mammalian Femur - A mammalian femur is decalcified and stained with a combination of eosin and hematoxylin.

Mouse Tail - Thin sections of a mouse tail showing chondroid tissue are stained with a combination of eosin and hematoxylin.

Mucous Colon Epithelium - A stained thin section of mammalian mucous colon epithelium demonstrating goblet cells.

Herbaceous Stem - Stained with a quadruple set of dyes, this linden root illustrates basic stem structure.

Human Ovarian Endometriosis - A pathological stained thin section of human ovary tissue illustrating endometriosis.

Human Palatine Tonsil - Tonsils are small reddish lumps of tissue that reside at the back of the throat and are located on both sides of the uvula.

Human Uterine Sarcoma - Sarcomas usually originate in muscle or connective tissue and spread through the bloodstream to other tissues. Uterine sarcomas are among the most serious of all cancers.

Peyers Patches - Peyers patches are involved in the immunological defense against pathogens in the intestine. These thin sections of payers patches tissue were stained with eosin and hematoxylin.

Phloem Sieve Plates - Sieve plates in thin sections of Cucurbita stems are stained with a quadruple mixture of plant tissue dyes.

Trichomes Leaf - Tiny hairs growing on the leaves of Verbascum were stained with a quadruple plant stain and digitally imaged.

Woody Stem - A common stem often seen in woody plants was stained with the quadruple plant stain and imaged with the QX3 microscope.


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in collaboration with Optical Microscopy at the
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The QX3 microscope design is copyrighted © 2022 by Mattel, Inc. Intel® Play™ is a registered trademark of the Intel Corporation. These companies reserve all of their rights and privileges under copyright law. The material contained in this website is solely the opinion of the authors and is intended for eduational use only.
Last Modification Friday, Nov 13, 2015 at 01:19 PM
Access Count Since December 24, 1999: 41881
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