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Primary Colors

Each color in the visible electromagnetic radiation spectrum has it's own individual wavelength and frequency. All of the color seen by the human eye is either transmitted or reflected light consisting of a mixture of the three primary colors: red, green, and blue. When mixed in equal proportions (added together), the three primary colors yield white light, resulting in the term additive primaries. Alternatively, when the subtractive primary colors magenta, cyan, and yellow are added together, they form the color black.

Primary Additive Colors -- Red, green, and blue are the primary additive colors. When mixed together in different proportions, you can make just about any color.

Primary Subtractive Colors -- Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow are the primary subtractive colors. These colors are combined to produce print media and photographic film.

Color Structure -- This applet allows you to combine varying amounts of red, green and blue to produce a given color. It also allows for adjustment of hue, saturation and brightness.

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