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K-12 Educational Microscopy
Young Scientist Web Resources

The links below lead to educational resources on the Web that provide support for scientific information, activities, and curricula on optics and related disciplines. We are constantly in search of new resources to add to this site, so please email us with information about appropriate sites to add. Please use the links below to navigate to web sites of interest.

101 Science and Technology for Amateurs - Ideal for middle school students, this site features introductions to topics in chemistry, microscopy, HAM radio, photography, and computers. Also included are books for sale, a Java crossword puzzle, tutorials, and much more! Highly recommended.

Ask a Microscopist - This project allows students and educators at any educational level to ask questions about microscopy or microanalysis through forms on a browser. Answers are provided by expert webmasters at the Microscopy Society of America. In addition, individuals can login to a real laboratory (Argonne National Laboratory) and view microscope operations in near real time. At certain times, visitors can "talk" with scientists on-line. Hosted by the Microscopy Society of America.

The Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology - Created and sponsored by the Center for Microbial Ecology at Michigan State University, this site focuses on the microscopic world around us. Featured topics include the Microbe Zoo, Microbe of the Month, the Curious Microbe, Microbes in the News, and Microbial Ecology Resources.

The Discovery Channel - One of the best websites on the Internet. The Discovery Channel provides a wealth of fun, information, and excitement for everyone.

The Exploratorium - An extensive science education website with many on-line exhibits, sponsored by the Exploratorium: "the museum of science, art, and human perception". Features include a learning studio, an observatory, a science museum, and new articles that are updated daily.

House Ear Institute: Resources for Schools - Microscopy sites targeted at the K-12 level are featured in this compilation from the House Ear Institute, a non-profit research and education center located in Los Angeles, California.

Marly Cain's Amazing Micronautic Adventures - Follow Robby the robot on a interactive journey into the world of microscopy. This educational website was developed by Marly Cain and features a 3D Web cam, Mars polar lander, body science for kids, microscopy for kids, a 3D gallery, and the opportunity to dissect a spider online.

Marly Cain's Amazing Micronautic Adventures Web Microscope - A Java-powered scanning electron microscope featuring a movable 2x SmartLens that magnifies a selection of close-ups of spider parts. Controls on the SmartLens, which is movable with the mouse cursor, allow the visitor to experiment with color hue and intensity. Cool site and highly recommended!

Micro-light Magazine - Another excellent site by Marly Cain, this web science magazine is targeted at kids and contains many interesting articles and interactive Java tutorials.

Microscopes, Cells, DNA and You - I don't know....let's do the experiment! Elementary School Teachers! Science Educators! Teachers-in-Training! Welcome to the home of Microscopes, Cells, DNA and You--a hands-on, inquiry science resource for learning about and doing science, and teaching optics, cells, and DNA.

Microscopic Explorations - Sponsored by Great Explorations in Math and Science (from the Lawrence Hall of Science of UC, Berkeley), this site reviews a guide to microscopy written within the K-12 spectrum by Susan Brady and Carolyn Willard. The book introduces fourth-to-eighth grade students to the basic skills of scientific research, microscopic skills of scientific research, microscopic concepts, and applications. The guidebook is also focused to help teachers and community volunteers put together a science microscopy festival.

Microscopy is Fun! - A very nice website geared towards an introduction to the microscope for kids and amateurs. The webmasters at Microscopy-UK invite you to explore the miniature world around you.

Microscopy-UK Roadshow - A very nice educational website dedicated to the promotion of optical microscopy as a hobby for the young and old alike. Brought to you by those thoughtful researchers at Microscopy UK.

Scanning Electron Microscopy - Sponsored by the Museum of Science in Boston, this site has information on how an Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) works, written at an elementary level. Also included are a gallery of images; teacher resources including information on building a light microscope; an introduction to techniques for light microscopy; and links to other science sites.

MicroWorlds - Science Education for grades 9-12, and fun for all. The site is an interactive tour of current research in the materials sciences at Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source, and is sponsored by the University of California at Berkeley.

Optics for Kids - Elementary school children will enjoy this quick look at some optical basics from Optical Research Associates. The site was written and is maintained by Bruce Irving, and contains a nice introduction to the principles of optics, light, and color. Experiments on the website can be coupled to the Optics Discovery Kit produced by the Optical Society of America and featured on the site. There are also Japanese and Chinese translation mirrors.

Project MICRO - Microscopy In Curriculum - Research Outreach - Project MICRO is designed to place Microscopy Society of America (MSA) members, teaching materials, and microscopes in middle school classrooms nationwide. In addition to providing information on Project Micro, the site provides help on selecting a microscope, locating a microscopist, and other resources for k-12 programs. Sponsored by the MSA.

Selected Microscopy Resources for K-12 Education - An informative k-12 education-based microscopy site with numerous resources and links to information for the classroom. The site is sponsored by MicroWorld resources.

Ugly Bug Contest - This site is one component of the Oklahoma Microscopy Society (OMS) outreach program, called 'SCOPE. The goal of 'SCOPE is "to promote the awareness and usage of microscopy". The Ugly Bug Contest is open to all Oklahoma elementary schools, public or private. Only one bug per school may be submitted, and the winning bugs are featured on the website.

Virtual Cell - Learn many of the complexities of living cells using this interactive CGI-powered 3D voyage into a plant cell. The website was developed by Matej Lexa using POV-RAY modeling software and is sponsored by the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.


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