QX3 Digital Image Gallery Polarized Light
Moth Crystals (para-dichlorobenzene)
Para-dichlorobenzene is one of two chemicals commonly used as a pesticide to protect clothes from the destructive eating habits of moths. Naphthalene is also used, but is more toxic than para-dichlorobenzene. Both chemicals have a high vapor pressure and produce fumes that can have a toxic effect in humans. Great care should be taken in handling either of these chemicals.
Para-dichlorobenzene at 200x Magnification
Para-dichlorobenzene at 200x Magnification
Para-dichlorobenzene at 200x Magnification
Polarized light images were captured using an Intel Play QX3 computer microscope modified for crossed polarized illumination. Additional light was applied to the specimens using light pipes from a Dolan-Jenner Model 180 fiber optics illuminator containing a 150 watt projection lamp. A 5/16-inch hole was drilled into the light mixing chamber at the base of the microscope and the light pipe was pointed towards the far wall of the chamber to increase illumination.
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Michael W. Davidson
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