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K-W-L: A Strategy for Learning

The K-W-L chart is a way for you to put in writing some of your ideas about lenses. You will be using this chart from time to time, so leave yourself plenty of room for adding ideas, questions, and information. The chart has three columns: K - what you already know about lenses; W - what you would like to know about lenses; and L - what you have learned about lenses. The L column gets filled in as you discover new things, so at first it will have a lot less in it than the other columns.

Required Materials

  • K-W-L chart
  • Science notebook

Activity Directions

  1. Design your K-W-L chart. If you have already done this, or if your teacher has given you a chart, make sure that you have enough room to use it for a long time. Some ways to do this is to design your own K-W-L using computer paper or poster board.

  2. In the K part of your chart, write the things that you think you know about lenses. Don't worry about being right or wrong! This is only a way for you to keep information.

  3. Now, under the W section, enter any questions that you have about lenses. Also list types of lenses that you may wish to learn about, such as contact lenses or wide-angle lenses. In your science notebook, list ways that you could answer these questions or find more information.

  4. The L column is where you will put things that you have learned. For example, if you asked the question How do contact lenses work?, you can put the answer to this question in the L column. As you fill in the L column, you may think of even more questions to put in the W column of your chart.



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