

This ferocious Velociraptor wireframe dinosaur character was found on one of the Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC 7000 series of RISC microprocessors (the PA-RISC 7300LC). The chip was designed around the time of the Spielberg "Jurassic Park" movie that brought Velociraptors into the public attention. This dinosaur is about 200 microns high as rendered on the chip and he is wearing a pair of sunglasses with the initials "V" on the right lens and "R" on the left lens. It has been brought to our attention that the sunglasses (with the VR initials) might actually be virtual reality glasses, which explains everything.

HP manager Rick Butler informs us that the Velociraptor code name was chosen for this chip because it was much more intimidating than either the hummingbird or the thunderbird, and that these internal symbols for the chips are important to the design teams. Rick also tells us that while the Velociraptor is cool, the hummingbird made a much better T-shirt.

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