Hewlett-Packard Thunderbird

Hewlett-Packard Thunderbird

The Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC series of microprocessors is highly populated with silicon creatures of all shapes and sizes. We found this beautiful rendition of the Ford Thunderbird embedded within the PA-7100 microprocessor integrated circuitry, perhaps as a tribute to enthusiasts of the automobile. At over 250 microns high, it is probably the largest silicon creature that we have found to date. The caption: "The Bird is the Word" is probably derived from a 1964 hit song entitled "Surfin' Bird" by a band named The Trashmen. We have also been informed of references to rock band ZZ Top's song "Thunderbird" that sport the lyrics: Have you heard? What's the word? It's Thunderbird. Regardless of the true intentions of the caption, this silicon artwork is some of the finest that we have ever seen.

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