Texas A & M University

Texas A & M University

The logo for Texas A & M University was uncovered on a SGS-Thomson integrated circuit along with the initials SJB, who we assume is a chip designer who graduated from this great school. World-renown for their excellent engineering and scientific programs, the Aggies also have a winning college football program that is respected throughout the country. At 25 microns in size, this may well be the smallest rendition of the Aggies logo ever produced.

We have been informed that the initials SJB actually stand for Stephen J. Bryant a graduate of Texas A & M's engineering school in 1987. Stephen tells us that he slipped this logo into the corner cell of a gate array chip that he was involved in designing during the late 1980s. He was able to have some fun sending scanned photos of the logo to his fellow classmates until it was eventually removed from the masks.

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