The Dutch do it right

The Heineken Brewery in Holland is the world's third largest beer-producer behind only the Anheuser-Busch and Miller giants in the United States. There are also a number of other excellent beers produced in Holland, and some of these are examined below.

Amstel Light - This light beer is the most highly imported light beer in the United States, and is brewed using a unique selection of malts, hops and water, as well as an intense fermenting process.

Grolsch Premium Lager - This premium beer has a sweet and fruity aroma with a slightly sour aftertaste and is brewed using high-quality Danish hops and malts.

Heineken Lager - Brewed in Holland using German hops, malts, and a unique strain of yeast, Heineken is one of the most recognized beers in the world.

Heineken Dark - This dark lager is one of Holland's premium beers, brewed using choice German hops, malts, and a special yeast to produce what is one of the most popular beers in the world.

Oranjeboom Premium Lager - A strong yet bitter pilsner beer, Oranjeboom is brewed with the best hops, finest malts, grains, and unique yeast to create a beer with rich flavor.

Peter's Brand Pilsner Beer - Brewed by the Union Export Brewery in Breda, Holland, Peter's Brand is one of the finer pilsners in Holland.

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