Beer from the land of the rising sun

The Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd. is Japan's largest and most famous brewery. Kirin has about a 50 percent market share in Japan and is World-famous for its Amagi-Nijo malting strain that is now used to produce approximately half of the beer in the World.

Shortly after World War II, allied forces split the Dai Nippon Brewery into the Asahi and Sapporo Breweries, who have produced beers that are featured in our library of photomicrographs.

Asahi Draft - This pale lager offers a faintly malty taste, reasonably pleasant malty character and is somewhat reminiscent of sake.

Kirin Lager - This premium beer is brewed using a traditional Japanese recipe to give it a mature, mellow flavor.

Sapporo Draft - This ceramic cold filtered beer is brewed by Sapporo Breweries LTD in Tokyo, Japan.

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