QX3 Digital Image Gallery Darkfield Illumination
Glauconitic Sandstone
The digital images below were recorded using a 30-micron thin section of a piece of glauconitic sandstone recovered from Hazlet, New Jersey. The rock dates back to the Cretaceous period and is a greenish color with brown seams and having some fossils present. Photomicrographs reveal tabular particles of dark brown altered glauconite having a variety of internal structures.
Glauconitic Sandstone at 60x Magnification
Glauconitic Sandstone at 60x Magnification
Glauconitic Sandstone at 200x Magnification
Darkfield illumination digital images were captured using an Intel Play QX3 computer microscope modified for reflected light darkfield illumination. Oblique light was applied to the specimens using light pipes from a Dolan-Jenner Model 180 fiber optics illuminator containing a 150 watt projection lamp. The mixing chamber and diffusion screen were removed from the stage and a large piece of dark construction paper placed beneath the stage to avoid images of the paper being superimposed over the photomicrographs.
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Michael W. Davidson
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