Martin\'s Pocket Microscope (circa 1738)

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Karl E. Deckart

Soap Bubble Gallery

German photographer and artist Karl E. Deckart is known for his thorough, precise, and beautiful work both in photography through the microscope and with macro camera systems. This gallery of interference photographs made with soap films is a testament to both Deckart's skill as a photographer and his understanding of the physical phenomena that surround our everyday lives. Use the individual links for navigation to the macro photographs of interest.

Visitors who enjoy the soap bubble images in this gallery, may be interested in downloading and installing the Molecular Expressions Soap Bubble Screen Saver for Windows. This will enable our visitors to enjoy the images in this exquisite gallery at their convenience.

Soap Bubbles Image 1 - Spiraling from left to right across the screen, interference patterns display an dizzying array of first-order colors including blue, magenta, red, orange, and yellow.

Soap Bubbles Image 2 - Disrupted by a wave of tiny bubbles traveling from top to bottom, this pattern demonstrates increasing film thickness manifested in higher-order interference colors.

Soap Bubbles Image 3 - A relatively thin soap film displays yellow swirls on an otherwise bland blue-gray background.

Soap Bubbles Image 4 - Like water dripping down a windowpane, several bubbles wind and twist as they make their way across the surface of a red and blue thin soap film. The large curl was created when the photographer moved his hand close to the wire frame, which resulted a disturbance in the film caused by air currents.

Soap Bubbles Image 5 - Tiny bubble streamers drop from the thin portion of a soap membrane down to variegated red and blue patterns having an increasing degree of thickness.

Soap Bubbles Image 6 - Featuring a dazzling display of interference colors set in an imaginative series of patterns, this disrupted soap film presents a spectrum of rainbow colors.

Soap Bubbles Image 7 - Currents and eddies of blue and indigo infiltrated with rivets of reflective white coloring, which indicate regions of high spectral interference, present a metallic look contrasted against a background of black.

Soap Bubbles Image 8 - Like miniature raindrops racing across the rainbow, bubbles spread regions of turbulence in an otherwise orderly interference pattern of the thin soap film.

Soap Bubbles Image 9 - This amazing photograph appears as if it could be a still shot that captured the very moment a single drop of water splashed into a pool of water before it was integrated into a body of tossing waves.

Soap Bubbles Image 10 - One of our personal favorites, this interference pattern exhibits long-range disturbances to the thin soap film.

Soap Bubbles Image 11 - Appearing almost like an eerie alien landscape, this macro photograph captures the presence of a boundary between major differences in soap film thickness.

Soap Bubbles Image 12 - Tiny bubbles creep down the film from a semi-transparent blue gray background into a vertically variegated spectrum of color featuring golden yellow, crimson red, and royal blue.

Soap Bubbles Image 13 - Although not as vivid as many of the other soap film photographs, this image captures the serene beauty of a relatively undisturbed thin film.

Soap Bubbles Image 14 - If we had to name this image, it would be called "Nuclear Sunrise". The apparent explosion in the image was due to a larger drop of soap solution quickly falling from the top to the bottom of the soap film.

Soap Bubbles Image 15 - Curved streams of blues amidst a transparent background produce a liquid metal appearance of the surf breaking into oil paint colors of yellow, crimson, indigo, green, orange and blue.

Soap Bubbles Image 16 - Miniature bubbles appear like stars against the black sky. Midway, swirls of water-colored blues give way to a cresting white sea form that could be rushing onto a dark sandy beach. This image is the favorite of most visitors.

Soap Bubbles Image 17 - A growing vortex of multiple colors is interlaced with a disturbance from tiny bubbles.

Soap Bubbles Image 18 - Vertical arrangements of higher order colors cresting in tiny champagne-like bubbles are centrally interrupted by an expanding black hole that signals an impending breach in bubble membrane integrity.

Soap Bubbles Image 19 - Although it may at first appear as a Michel-Levy chart, this image actually contains numerous higher order interference colors in rapid succession.

Soap Bubbles Image 20 - Simple in execution, the slowly changing spectral colors are only mildly disrupted by a dance of tiny bubbles.

Soap Bubbles Image 21 - Like a sandy golden peninsula surrounded by shallow to deep blue waters with a sunset horizon, this image should intrigue visitors partial to the color yellow.


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Access Count Since November 18, 2000: 194057
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Visit the Nikon website. Visit the Olympus Microscopy Resource Center website.