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Molecular Expressions


We've got eyes. We think we know what things look like: grass is green and, well, grassy; clouds are white and puffy; the sky is blue. But, would these elements look the same under a microscope? Come along this week as Filo and Derek rediscover three things elemental to them: beer, chips, and hormones.


RealVideo Courtesy of KRON-TV and New Media News

Previously Reviewed Sites

May 9 - Yahoo! Chat
May 2 - HotFiles
Apr 25 - CarPoint
Apr 18 - Toaster Museum Foundation

About Our Hosts


Derek Dukes, double D, is an interactive ad man. He coordinates hundreds of advertising images that appear on thousands of Yahoo! pages and search words. In between naps and impromptu comedy sketches, Derek spends most of his day figuring out what ad should go where and why anyone would buy the word "fibromeglia". Derek is an Aquarius who likes moonlit walks on the beach. His kindness to animals is only outdone by his love for day time talk shows. Look for Derek to be appearing in the Yahoo! swimsuit calendar.


David Filo is a Co-founder of Yahoo! and is the resident Cheap Yahoo!. Filo wears lots of free computer industry T-shirts. He likes hurricanes and Taco Bell. Sometimes he wears shoes. Sometimes if you catch him on a shoe wearing day (Tuesdays or Fridays), he might give you a ride in his vintage Datsun Hatchback. It ís quite a treat. When Filo isn't working his magic to make Yahoo! go, he sleeps and configures computer systems.

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