
Hot Links by New Media News: Molecular Expressions

Real Audio Courtesy of KRON-TV and New Media News



DEREK: Everyone has seen pictures of cats and dogs, but what do those things look like really close...I mean really close, on microscopic level?

FILO: We're going to take a look at Molecular Expressions. It's images from a microscope. One of the most interesting things on the site are the images of beer, so you can see what you are drinking every night. Let's take a look at Razor Edge Lager.

DEREK: It's from the land down under. Wow, that's pretty impressive. I'm actually drinking that?

FILO: Well, let's look at the difference between a lager and, in this case, an ale, Victoria Bitter Ale.

DEREK and FILO: Wow.

DEREK: Let's take a look at the microchips. I used to have an 8088.

FILO: The 8088 is a really old chip. We can compare that to the latest from Intel, which is the Pentium Pro.

DEREK: Wow, little bit of a difference there. In addition to pictures of beer and microchips, you can also see a hormone.

FILO: You can see everything from progesterone to testosterone.

DEREK: And this site can be found on the New Media News page at


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