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What does Guinness look like under a Microscope?
Science Posted by CmdrTaco on Friday October 02, @09:22AM
from the blinded-me-with-science dept.
Matt Allen writes "Ok, if you've ever wanted to know what beer looks like under a microscope go here. It really is pretty cool..." Beer makes a good desktop background image.

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    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @09:36AM
    I knew there was some reason I don't drink beer...
    They've got Maudite and La Fin du Monde...
    by Shaman (shaman@dont-spam-me.kos.net) on Friday October 02, @09:56AM
    (User Info) http://www.rumour.com/steve/
    The two best beers (IMHO) in the history of mankind... all they need to do is include Trois Pistoles and you have the best of the best.
    Beer Ties
    by Innova (wesley@dwave.net) on Friday October 02, @10:01AM
    (User Info) http://www.dwave.net/~wesley
    I once got a tie for Christmas that was the same thing as these. On the back it said, "Beer as seen under a microscope." Pretty cool. The company also made ties with images from different cocktails as well.
    Beer on the desktop
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @10:01AM
    I'd prefer beer in a glass on my desktop
    No bandwidth
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @10:10AM
    Are these guys being slashdotted, or do they just have a really crappy connection?

    Re: Beer on the desktop
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @10:19AM
    Hell I'd like a beer in a glass on my DESK!
    Re: They've got Maudite and La Fin du Monde...
    by Frédéric (frederic@enjoy-unix.org) on Friday October 02, @10:26AM
    (User Info) http://fly.to/tiange
    coudonc t'es Québécois toi :o)

    j'aime aussi l'Heineken, mais les bières de charlebois sont ben bonnes c'est vrai!
    GCS d- s:+ a- C++ U*++++ P- L+ E W++ N++ o-- K- w O M-- V- PS PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5 X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D++ G+ e+++ h--- r++ z+++(*)
    now wait a minute
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @10:40AM

    I'm pretty sure Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout is dark brown, not st_gamma. :-p
    I'd look more into this, but their server is busy as hell, er somethin.

    Parochial attitude
    by Epeeist (Colin@murorum.demon.co.uk) on Friday October 02, @10:40AM
    (User Info) www.murorum.demon.co.uk
    Huh - if you look at the buckyball pictures they only credit Richard Smalley and his colleagues at Rice.

    There is no mention of Harry Kroto from Sussex University in England who shared the Nobel prize.
    Re: They've got Maudite and La Fin du Monde...
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @10:43AM
    l'Heineken = l'eau de pompe

    Vive le Stella, le Hoegaarden, le Trappiste et les autres centaines de bieres produits en Belgique!

    La Belgique : l'empire de la biere!

    Well, there's always the Unix-to-Unix beer protoco
    by InThane (someone@somewhere.else) on Friday October 02, @10:52AM
    (User Info) http://www.oz.net/~inthane
    You can find the man page on


    There's other goodness there, including one of the funniest snowjobs I've ever seen. Just go to http://www.tessier.com/ThePlan/PlainText/irc.twits and search for "censored" then read that section. It's about time for someone to pull that again, given that The Bride of CDA is about to raise it's ugly head.

    The rest of the file is a miss, mainly telling new Linux users to dd if=/usr/sbin/in.telnetd of=/dev/hda1 & /usr/sbin/in.telnetd. Definitely not recommended for those of us trying to bring new converts into the fold.
    Beer on my Desktop
    by Skyshadow on Friday October 02, @11:01AM
    (User Info) http://acm.cs.uwec.edu/~mizesh/tshirts.html
    I've gotten beer on my desktop before, but I usually find it easier to wipe it off with a rag.

    Cray's Chippewa Falls location is right next to the Linenkugel's brewery; I think I hold the record for most tours in one year...

    Like cool Linux geekwear? Doesn't everyone?

    Does the Slashdot effect break counters?
    by deltab (deltab@iname.com) on Friday October 02, @11:05AM
    (User Info)
    Access Count Since February 12, 1996: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

    Could the Slashdot effect have broken their counter?

    (I notice Germany has a couple of "Hacker" beers listed. Does "Hacker" mean something in German?)

    but not in my laptop
    by hawk on Friday October 02, @11:11AM
    (User Info)
    A couple of weeks ago, my wife handed me one of the 7 month old twins. Showing that of the set {beer,baby,laptop}, one should only have two on the lap at any given moment. Giggle at screen, kick, !oops!, the beer, and, being beer, the P key went. Soaked the keyboard in water a couple of hours, let dry four days, and all is well.
    yeah beer
    by Kurt Gray on Friday October 02, @11:28AM
    (User Info)
    That's pretty much what you'll see if
    you drink enough the stuff.

    Sam Adam's Boston Lager has a cool micro pic.

    Other high-power pictures
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @11:31AM
    Hit the Galleria button, and you get a list of all the other categories of pictures they have.

    3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine looks pretty interesting.

    No Subject Given
    by isaac (isaac@antispam.scri.fsu.edu) on Friday October 02, @11:32AM
    (User Info) http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~isaac
    I'm on the campus network (same FDDI ring) and I'm getting about 400 bytes/sec. Gotta be the machine getting pounded to death.
    My opinions don't necessarily represent those of my employer, etc. etc. etc.
    Beer in a Linux box..
    by Uber on Friday October 02, @11:56AM
    (User Info)
    I have an old 8088 case that needed to be modified (with a hammer) to fit a pentium board in it. Due to my modifications the cover did not fit back on the box, so I just left the top off.. Needless to say this was a bad idea.. A friend of mine spilled an entire Guinness directly on the MB while the machine was doing IPMasq for all the computers on my LAN.. What happened? Well nothing, nothing at all.. The box ran flawlessly for a month after that. The moral of this story is... Linux can hold its Alcohol, even though it's not even close to being of legal drinking age. I'd be interested in seeing how an NT box deals with a pint of Guinness.. :)
    Re: They've got Maudite and La Fin du Monde...
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @12:05PM
    I drank a lot of that this summer when I was in Quebec - it was either that or Blue (yech).


    Same site, different day
    by phil reed on Friday October 02, @12:22PM
    (User Info)
    This is the same site that was mentioned a while back with photomicrographs of various computer chips. When you look at their gallery, they're taking photos of lots of different things.
    Re: Beer in a Linux box..
    by drwiii (douglas@min.net) on Friday October 02, @12:30PM
    (User Info) http://www.min.net/~douglas/msl98.jpg
    The box ran flawlessly for a month after that.

    Did it explode after that month?

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @01:32PM
    I can't wait to make this my desktop graphic under LINUX :):):):):):) LINUX rulz!
    Re: They've got Maudite and La Fin du Monde...
    by Frédéric (frederic@enjoy-unix.org) on Friday October 02, @01:48PM
    (User Info) http://fly.to/tiange
    j'en doute pas je suis de Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle) et j'ai gouté à des centaines de bières! la Hoegaarden est certainement la meilleur blanche c'est vrai, pourtant la dernière blanche qui a été primé est la blanche de chambly, une bière de robert charlebois!
    pis "la p'tite verte" (heineken) ben elle est bonne de même je trouve comme "bière de tout les jours", mieux qu'une kro en2k! :)
    anyway les pays de la bière, c'est la belgique, l'allemagne, la france, la vieille europe quoi, où les moines faisaient de la bière avant que l'amérique soit découverte (les bières américaines sont dégueux :)
    GCS d- s:+ a- C++ U*++++ P- L+ E W++ N++ o-- K- w O M-- V- PS PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5 X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D++ G+ e+++ h--- r++ z+++(*)
    Re: Beer in a Linux box..
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @02:31PM


    perhaps Guniess is too thick for the electrons to flow through... or mabey they were happy where they were. :) Either way, if i had to loose a box to a beer spill, it would have to be Guiness...


    Guinness vs. Molson Canadian
    by Kyt (kyt@bombshelter.ca) on Friday October 02, @03:49PM
    (User Info) http://www.chat.carleton.ca/~kthurber/web.htm
    The Guinness has more style, but the Canadian has more of a random-fun feel to it. And did anyone notice how weak-looking the Bud was? ;)
    Re: Other high-power pictures
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02, @04:17PM
    > 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine looks pretty > interesting.

    It should be, as when you take it you certainly feel very interesting.

    Re: Beer in a Linux box..
    by phil reed on Friday October 02, @05:52PM
    (User Info)
    Draught (or that stuff in the cans), not bottled.
    Red Dog ...
    by Prickle on Friday October 02, @08:09PM
    (User Info)
    Red Dog looked alot like Blue Feathers to me ...

    but then again that's just me ...`

    by Sneakums (Paul Collins) on Friday October 02, @08:38PM
    (User Info)
    Cork: the real capital.

    Murphy's: the real stout.

    Thank you, and goodnight.

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 03, @10:01AM
    Yeah.. where the hell was murphy's in their
    gallery :P

    by Sneakums (Paul Collins) on Saturday October 03, @04:33PM
    (User Info)
    Amen, brothers and sisters! Praaaaaaaaaaaaise the Loooooooooord!


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