Sikh (Honey)

Photomicrograph of Honey

The Sikh religion came into existence in fifteenth century India by integrating hinduistic, buddhistic and islamistic influences into a single religious creed. Sikhs believe in a chain of Gurus (or prophets) who are treated as gods with a human role, with the founder being Guru Nanak (1469-1539) who taught "the unity of God, brotherhood of man, rejection of caste, and the futility of idol worship". The holy place for Sikhs is the Golden Temple at Amritsar in the Indian state of Punjab and founded by Guru Ram Das. Honey is representative from the Sikh meaning for Amrit or nectar. It is sugar water that is used during the Khalsa initiation ceremony. Sikhs take a vow not to cut their hair, smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.

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