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Civet Hair

Native to Africa, Asia, and southern parts of Europe, there are about 15 to 20 identified species of civet, although some of these are in danger of extinction. The appearance and behavior of the animals is various, but they are generally nocturnal and have distinctive faces that are similar to that of a weasel. The body length of civets ranges from approximately 16 to 34 inches and their tails may reach lengths as great as 16 inches. In fact, a variety of Asian civet commonly called the binturong is a tree-dweller that can utilize its long, powerful tail to grasp limbs and swing like a monkey. Fur color may be black, gray, brown, reddish, yellowish, and exhibits a wide array of patterns. The pelts of a few civet species are utilized in the fur trade, though they are not in particularly great demand.

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