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Camel Down

The Bactrian camel is the variety most commonly raised for its coat, which is comprised of an outer layer of long, coarse guard hairs and a much finer, short layer of underfur, frequently referred to as down. Unlike most other animals, the coat of the camel is not usually sheared or plucked. Instead, camel hair is typically gathered by hand when the animal sheds its coat in the spring. The down is then generally separated from guard hairs through mechanical processes, and both types of fiber are prepared for use. Coarse camel hair is quite strong and is most in demand for industrial textile items such as press cloths and machine belts. In contrast, camel down is relatively soft and is primarily utilized for overcoats, knitwear, and bedding. The material is also much lighter than wool and quite durable, in addition to being an excellent insulator.

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