A childhood favorite that even adults enjoy, the Slurpee is a frozen carbonated beverage sold at 7-Eleven convenience stores around the world. Originally called an Icee, the idea for the cool concoction has been attributed to Omar Knedlik, who started selling customers at his drive-thru restaurant bottles of soda pop that had been stored in the deep freeze because his soda fountain quit working in the late 1950s. The slush-like drinks were so well received that Knedlik contacted a machinery manufacturer about creating an apparatus that could easily produce a partially frozen drink that could be consumed with a straw. Then, in the mid-1960s, a manager of a 7-Eleven came across an Icee machine while visiting a competitor, and by 1967, Icees were produced and sold in almost all 7-Eleven convenience stores. The company soon resolved to brand the popular product, coining the term Slurpee from the sound made when someone sips one of the frozen drinks.