
Surlyn is the trade name of a group of resins created by DuPont from proprietary acid copolymers. Available in over 30 different grades, the unique plastics are utilized for a wide range of purposes and offer enhanced performance over traditional ethylene-based copolymers in several areas, including abrasion and chemical resistance, melt strength, and adhesion to various materials. In addition, Surlyn resins are remarkably clear and can, therefore, be used as a replacement for glass or crystal. Also, when color is added, the resins take on a deep translucence and can be combined to produce a polished stone or marble appearance, a characteristic that makes Surlyn a popular choice for floor tiles. Other typical applications of the DuPont product include bowling pins, golf ball covers, toys, automotive fascia, perfume bottles, buoys, fluorescent lighting, glass coatings, tool handles, and helmets.

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