Seagate Barracuda Controller Card

Founded in 1979, Seagate was the first company to manufacture 5.25-inch hard disk drives specifically for the personal computer. The introduction of these drives, which made it feasible to readily store and access data in ways that were never previously possible, was one of the forces behind the computer revolution that occurred during the 1980s. Once people became accustomed to retrieving unparalleled amounts of information, it was only a matter of time before the Internet was developed and eventually achieved the tremendous popularity that it holds today. Seagate’s hard disk drive products are the mainstay of the company’s success, and are available in several different lines or families. Part of the Barracuda family, Seagate’s U Series has reportedly sold more units than any other disk drive in the history of personal computers. Often integrated into consumer electronic devices, many people are not even aware that they are using Barracuda drives, but the state-of-the-art components have been the choice of many of the industry’s top brands, being featured in such popular products as Microsoft’s Xbox game system.

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