Wavy Gravy

Famous for their creative offerings, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream has built its reputation on flavors like Wavy Gravy, which was named for the notorious master of ceremonies at Woodstock in 1969. Introduced in 1993, Wavy Gravy ice cream was the most popular of the flavors released that year and royalties from its sales were used to help provide scholarships for needy children to attend Camp Winnarainbow, an innovative circus and performing arts program directed by Hugh Romney (the real Wavy Gravy) and his wife, Jahanara. Thus, by buying Wavy Gravy ice cream, consumers could help kids live out that dream of running off to the circus, if only briefly. Camp Winnarainbow, which began as something of a daycare more than 25 years ago, is located at Black Oak Ranch, a little more than three hours north of the San Francisco Bay Area.

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