Strongly resembling the pyramid found on the reverse side of a United States dollar bill, this silicon artwork may symbolize a new world order in chip design. The pyramid on the US dollar represents, in part, the Great Seal of the United States. Originally designed by Benjamin Franklin, the pyramid has a dark western side that represents the beginning of a country with an as-yet unexplored western portion. The all-seeing eye inside the capstone is an ancient symbol for divinity. There are two Latin phrases on the dollar bill surrounding the pyramid: "Annuit Coeptis", which means "God has favored our undertaking"; and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" that translates to "a new order of the ages". At the base of the pyramid is the Roman numeral for the year 1776.
The silicon pyramid has the Roman numeral for the year 1987 etched into the pyramid base, but is devoid of Latin text. Our interpretation is that some new design or manufacturing process was exploited with this chip, and the pyramid symbolizes this achievement. Please correct us if we are wrong.