Sharc Attack (Darkfield)

Sharc Attack (Darkfield)

We caught this shark cruising through the waters on an Analog Devices 21061 SHARC floating-point Digital Signal Processing integrated circuit. This chip is a member of the advanced and powerful SHARC (Super Harvard Architecture Computer) signal processing microcomputers that offer new capabilities and higher levels of integration and performance. The ADSP-21061 is a 32-bit processor that combines the 2100 DSP core with a dual-ported 1 Mbit SRAM and I/O processor complete with dedicated I/O bus to form a complete system-in-a-chip. This DSP is fabricated on a high-speed low-power CMOS process and has a 20ns instruction cycle (50 MHz), an on-chip instruction cache, DMA controller, serial ports, and parallel bus connectivity.

View this silicon artwork under differential interference contrast and brightfield illumination.

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