Don't Panic

Don't Panic

Don't Panic - when uncertain about your whereabouts in the Universe or the strange customs of new aliens that might cross your path. Just consult your guidebook: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", where you will find that the number 42 is the answer to the question about life and the universe. Or so says a supercomputer named "Deep Thought". We've been stuck on planet Earth these past few decades so our information about the phenomenon is incomplete.

These science fiction symbols were discovered on a node adapter chip that serves as an interface between a remote I/O link and a microprocessor-based product, developed by Allen-Bradley/Rockwell in 1988. Chip designer Bob Weppler tells us that these icons from the famous Douglas Adams sci-fi novel were included on the chip along with the cricket wicket and a Sperm whale that slammed into the planet Magrathea.

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