The Icy "P" Chip

The Icy 'P' Chip

Chip designers often add their names and/or initials to masks used in the fabrication of integrated circuits. Allen-Bradley engineers are no different and the design team for this "coreless" ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) added their names and a couple of doodles. We have already uncovered one doodle from this chip, the Piņata Named Asammi, and have also stumbled across another piece of miniature silicon artwork near the company logo and designers' credits. The "Icy P" shown in the inset above is an acronym for ICP (Integrated Control Platform), an in-house name for this series of integrated circuits. Icicles hanging from the capital letter "P" on this chip represent the "Icy P", a rather unique pun for this acronym.

Chip design, layout, and testing credits are as follows:

  • Main Architecture Team: Jack Calderon, Alan Cribbs, Dennis Dombrosky, Madge Hutz, Dave Karpuszka, Tim Murphy, Bob Weppler
  • Logic Design: Madge Hutz, Dave Karpuszka, George Maskovyak, Tim Murphy, Marian Tapu, Bob Weppler
  • Architecture Advice: Dave Vasko
  • Layout: Bob Weppler
  • Simulation/Testing: Mike Jennings, Jerome Saint-Cyr, Rafael Sanchez, Yefim Vayl
  • Backplane Design: Ron Herman
  • Technician: Steve Blech
  • Supervision: Ralph Grashoff, Ken Harris

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