The Canine

The Canine

We were first informed about this little canine doggie by Willy McAllister during discussions about the Hewlett-Packard Focus Math chip set. Willy told us that he placed the canine (standing about 20 microns high) sitting beside a fire hydrant on the Road Runner Focus Math chip to irritate the chief designer, Dan Zuras. He did this as a pun on the chip's part number (# 1AK9 - seen to the right of the fire hydrant), and intentionally hid the dog on the chip without informing Dan. But, as Dan tells us, what goes around comes around. The next set of chips contained a note written on Willy's chip that said "If you have any problems or questions about this chip call Willy McAllister at xxx-yyy-zzzz" giving Willy's home phone number.

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