Aug 14, 1999 (Saturday)

A sword etched into the G3 chip? Shades of Durandal perhaps? Bill Moore <> writes:

Durandal, Version 1.0?

This is a link to a page from a molecular-level microscopic photography page, which shows an extremly close up veiw of a IBM/Mottorola PPC750 Proccessor in which a Medieval sword has been drawn onto the scribe line. "Why?", you may ask. Think about it... where else do you know about a computer named after a sword? Is the G3 meerly a beta "Durandal"? Or are PPC750s a civilian version of the Traxus Project:

Only time will tell.

Keep in mind that the G3sword pic is very real, and can be found near the scribe line of any G3 proccessor using an electron microscope or other such device.

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Last updated Aug 14, 1999

Access Count Since December 17, 1999: 1512