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Cool Pick of the Day
THE Cool Pick Site on the Internet -

Every single day of your life, we select one extremely high cool factor web site worthy of your esteemed clickage. Broaden your web horizons. Improve your grasp of popular culture. Become an all around nicer human being. And stop back regularly for some more personal growth.

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Thursday, June 24
Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery

Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery

Our gallery contains hundreds of examples of full color photomicrographs (photographs taken through a microscope) selected from our many collections.

We've got tons of families of images but here are just a few of the fun ones:

BEER - See what some of your favorite beverages look like under the microscope. (Have you ever REALLY seen a microbrew?)
COMPUTER PARTS - Hard Disks, CD-ROMS, and other computer innards.
HORMONES - See where many of your problems stem from.
ICE CREAM - The Ben and Jerry's Collection.
PESTICIDES - Drugs for Bugs.
PHARMACEUTICALS - Drugs for people.
PHYTOCHEMICALS - Drugs in the food we eat.
THE RELIGION COLLECTION - From religions around the world.
SILICON ZOO - We've caged the creatures found on silicon computer chips.
SOFT DRINKS - Cool tools for a POP culture.
THE SPORTS COLLECTION - Football, baseball, and basketball - something for everyone.
WINE - Is it red wine with fish or white wine with veal?

Submitted by: Jonathan

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