Cutting-edge art seen at a click

Site-seeing with Jan Perry

There are hundreds of Museum sites on the Web and thousands of additional pages dedicated to individual works of art or specific artists. Sites here offer what some consider cutting-edge work - even though one artist represented was born about a century ago.

The silicon zoo

It seems all sorts of creatures and other doodlings were artistically added by engineers as they designed computer chips that lurk in nearly everything we use these days.

This site offers dozens of photomicrographs (photographs taken through a microscope) that make these charming hidden artworks visible for the first time.

Some, like 'The Sunset,' caught my attention because of the quality of the tiny art. Some, like 'The Con Artist,' I loved for the humor.

I'd be interested to hear which one you liked best and why.

E-mail Jan Perry at

Publication date: 04-13-99

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