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6/3 - First Draft: Take Your Best Shot

logoEver want to get up-close and personal with your favorite beer? You know, really hunker down and get to know that lager a little better or seek out the spiritual center of a stout?

Well, at a Web site called Beershots you can do just that.

It seems that some folks who have rather judicious use of an optical microscope -- and access to a good deal of beer -- have taken on the job of photographing what many bodacious brews look like at the molecular level.

The mad scientists are based in Tallahassee, Fla., so beers from Beervana (a.k.a. Portland, Ore.) are a bit hard to find on this site, but there's a few!

sammysmithSaxer is especially well-represented. A Saxer lover probably sent the Florida folks a few brews for a microscopic look. Rogue and Nor'Wester also make an appearance.

Since beer is pretty much made from the same ingredients -- malt, water, yeast and hops -- it's amazing how different each of these beers look at this microscopic level! For the scientifically challenged like myself, it's an amazing thing, for sure! It's mind-boggling, but also just darn fun to look at all the cool colors -- like the actual beershots seen here.

urquellBut we're not just talking eye candy here. The site is educational as well -- with information from each beer's label -- so you can learn a bit about the beer you are so closely gazing upon!

The site doesn't just focus on US beers either. You can take a peek at pivo from The Czech Republic, biere from France or pi jiu from China -- you name it!

tsingdaoIf you don't see the beer you want from their extensive list, you can give them a hand. The microscope moguls are asking folks to send them beers to sample.

Anything in the name of science!

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