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Site of the Day
Site of the Week
Collegiate Dictionary

No directory is complete without the designated daily site column. Here we present those websites that impress us the most; any site is fair game for 24 hours of fame. Our editors rave about their favorites, served up daily by Features Editor Jo Rosenbohm.

Each Sunday we choose the best from the batch, stamp it "Site of the Week," and feature its review for the following seven days.

Tuesday, September 28, 1999

Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Who would have thought that the herbicide Terbacil could be so deadly, yet so beautiful? The people at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, that's who. Photomicrography--photography of matter as seen through a microscope--is the art of choice at Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope, with pictures of everything from DDT to Ben & Jerry's Apple Pie Frozen Yogurt. Microscopic images of dinosaur bones and moon rocks don't seem too outlandish; the beer and cocktail galleries, however, are undoubtedly popular for their idiosyncrasy. The in-depth description of "Photography of Beer Through the Microscope," with five views of Budweiser beer at different temperatures, is delightfully technical. Each picture in "Beershots" is accompanied by text from the beer's label; the cocktails are supplemented with recipes. In the "Birthstones" galleries, while I prefer diamonds at the shallow, naked-eye level, I found amethysts and emeralds more attractive on the molecular level. At Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope, beauty can be found deep inside.

--Jo Rosenbohm

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