Milhouse Van Houten

Milhouse Van Houten

Simpson's cartoon character Milhouse Van Houten was caught lurking around on a Silicon Image Sil154CT64 digital transmitter integrated circuit. This chip is uses a proprietary digital technology named PanelLink to support graphics displays ranging from VGA to SXGA in a single link interface. PanelLink implements an open scalable standard that provides all-digital physical connectivity between computers, controllers, and other sources of video to produce an all-digital video interface with higher quality images.

Milhouse Van Houten is a fourth grader who is best friends with Bart Simpson and spends most of his time chilling out with Bart and making moves on Bart's sister, Lisa. Milhouse's legacy includes the fact that he eats Vaseline on toast, he once got his face on America's Most Wanted and a milk carton, and perhaps his greatest achievement, the incredible feat of purchasing a leather jacket with Bazooka Joe wrappers. His parents, Kirk and Luanne Van Houten, are divorced, and Milhouse lives with his mother who is currently dating a star from the American Gladiators. Milhouse's father was the manager of a cracker factory, until he got fired. Other than that, Milhouse is your average 10-year old who leads a normal cartoon character life.

The chip containing this artwork was loaned to us by Chipworks, a company that is an international provider of reverse engineering services, analyzing the circuitry and physical composition of semiconductor chips and electronics systems for competitive study, intellectual property support, and reliability assurance.

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