Guitar-Strumming Tyrannosaurus Rex

Guitar-Strumming Tyrannosaurus Rex

This jukin' dinosaur was found next to the mask design credits on the Silicon Graphics MIPS R12000 microprocessor. He appears to us to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but then again we're not really experts on dinosaurs. Directly to the right of the dinosaur appears some of the names of the engineers who participated in the design of the chip, which was internally code-named the Trex. The silicon reptile is about 50 microns high and is isolated on his own pad. We have been informed that this dinosaur is derived from the clip-art Hypercard stack that was shipped with Hypercard in the Macintosh OS version 7.5. A copy of this clip-art is illustrated below.


View this silicon artwork under brightfield and darkfield illumination.

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